Louisiana Inspector General Stephen Street
Sound Off Louisiana founder Robert Burns easily got a big rise in Louisiana Inspector General Stephen Street’s dander during a recent Baton Rouge Press Club appearance when Burns questioned him on two of his office’s highest-profile debacles: the criminal cases Street pursued against Corey delaHoussaye and Murphy Painter. In the following video, Burns questions Street on these high-profile criminal case debacles and makes other observations entailing Street’s office based upon his own experience in dealing with the IG’s Office under Street:
Burns questions Street on delaHoussaye, Painter criminal cases
and provides commentary on his own assessment of the IG’s office’s investigative
practices based upon Burns’ own dealings with the IG’s Office under
Street’s leadership.
CLICK HERE for the “Under Fire” Business Report article entailing Inspector Street.
In the article linked above, another case referenced is the criminal trial of Bruce Greenstein, Gov. Bobby Jindal’s former Secretary of the Department of Health and Hospitals.
On August 19, 2015, Sound Off Louisiana published this post outlining that Bruce Greenstein was used as a mere chess pawn in a desperate attempt by former Attorney General James D. “Buddy” Caldwell to find some credible defense to Caldwell’s having improperly cancelled the CNSI contract (while Gov. Jindal actually cancelled it, he did so upon Caldwell’s urging and guidance).
Current Attorney General Jeff Landry contracted with independent sources to conduct an assessment of the Greenstein criminal trial, and that assessment recommended dismissing all charges, and that’s what was done several months ago. Further, in a demonstration of just how weak the State of Louisiana’s defense to Caldwell’s actions would have been in the CNSI civil trial, Attorney General Jeff Landry and Gov. John Bel Edwards recently wisely opted to settle that civil litigation.
One of the key points in that settlement was to change the wording of the reason for cancelling the contract from “for cause” to “for convenience,” which is a subtle admission on the State of Louisiana’s part that it would have likely been unable to substantiate during the civil trial that it had just cause for the cancellation. The mere fact that Gov. Edwards and AG Landry (not exactly political allies) jointly agreed to settle the matter speaks volumes about how weak Louisiana’s defenses to the improper termination of the contract by Caldwell was.
Hence, beyond the two cases outlined in the video above (delaHoussaye and Painter), the Bruce
Greenstein criminal case can be chalked up as yet another debacle involving the OIG (though the AG’s role was considerably larger) which cost Louisiana taxpayers a small fortune to pursue only to have the whole matter evaporate before taxpayers’ eyes!
CLICK HERE for the First Circuit’s writ ruling wherein the State of Louisiana sought to overturn 21st JDC Judge Brenda Ricks’ ruling to suppress ALL of the evidence obtained against delaHoussaye by the OIG.
CLICK HERE for other deficiencies noted in the OIG’s initial application for supervisory writ.
CLICK HERE for Assistant AG Rodney Ramsey’s filing indicating that Auctioneer Licensing Board Executive Director Sandy Edmonds covertly copied a work paper carelessly left behind by OIG staff investigators.
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