LSPC declares that LSP violated rules entailing LSP longevity pay raises but leaves remedies for adversely-impacted LSP Troopers unclear and unaddressed.

LSP Master Trooper Dean Coates

On October 17, 2019, LSP Master Trooper Dean Coates appeared before the Louisiana State Police Commission (LSPC) requesting an investigation into why he and numerous other LSP Troopers were not afforded their longevity pay raises.  As the feature makes clear, Coates sued LSP the day after he procured the assurance from LSPC that an investigation would be conducted.  The suit essentially alleges that, unless troopers are in the “chosen class” (which the vast majority of troopers are alleged not to include), the longevity pay raise would be denied.

Regarding Coates’ lawsuit, LSP has responded by filing exceptions of prematurity, lack of standing to sue, as well as a dilatory exception (essentially a statement that the cause of action has not been sufficiently succinctly stated).

At the February 13, 2020 LSPC meeting, the results of the investigation were discussed by the LSPC, and the following video captures what its members had to say on the matter:

LSPC discusses results of investigation requested by LSP Troopers Dean Coates and Kevin Sulcer

If nothing else, Troopers Coates and Sulcer deserve praise for being willing to pursue their rights using funds from their own pockets.  As is obvious from the preceding video, a clear-cut indication of rules violations by LSP has now been stated in no uncertain terms on the record by the LSPC.  Whether eventual remedies for Coates and Sulcer (along with the reported vast majority of other LSP troopers who were left out in the cold on their longevity pay raises) are ever available or not, these two gentlemen can, if nothing else, spike the football now that they have essentially forced the LSPC’s hand to admit that the LSP rules violations did in fact transpire.


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3 thoughts on “LSPC declares that LSP violated rules entailing LSP longevity pay raises but leaves remedies for adversely-impacted LSP Troopers unclear and unaddressed.”

  1. This would lead one to question why did Master Trooper Coates have to hire his own attorney? Is it not the responsibility of the Louisiana State Troopers Association to defend and fight for equal rights for all members of the association? (assuming Trooper Coates is a member). David Young has stated in the past that 97% of Troopers are members. Coates’ lawsuit alleges that a majority of troopers have not received the increase. Where is the association?

    1. Because the Trooper’s association is a joke and basically is ran by the department they do not do any of significance for their members

    2. Pursuit of Honor,
      You are correct, the LSTA was created to fight for its members in disputes with the department. Today it seems the current Board of Directors have sided with protecting the department rather than the troopers who pay dues. The LSTA has lost it’s way and troopers are leaving the organization in disgust.

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