Video camera scares off cosmetology board members.







Cosmetology Board Member Taquilla Hamilton


Last week, readers will recall that, at the August 3, 2015 meeting of the Louisiana State Board of Cosmetology (LSBC), board members made it clear to me through their representative, attorney Celia Cangelosi, that they were NOT going to permit me to videotape their meetings from any angle which allowed me to obtain facial footage of either board or audience members.


Apparently, many board members decided that a video camera is simply more than they can handle!  At today’s meeting, it was a ghost town.  Only four of the eight members showed up.  Consequently, a quorum could not be declared, which initially aggravated Chairman Frances Hand.  They called the only member they knew who may be willing to attend, Taquilla Hamilton, who resides in Harvey.  Ms. Hamilton indicated little desire to attend the meeting and indicated, “I am at my house.”


Initially, Chairman Hand declared that they would proceed without Hamilton; however, upon reflection, she realized items requiring board votes would go unaddressed.  Consequently, they called Hamilton back and basically begged her to drive up and attend the meeting so they could have a quorum.  Though I was unable to hear Hamilton’s response, it must have been along the lines of not having taken a shower or anything because member Carolyn Robicheaux responded, “That’s all right just come as you are.”


Consequently, a meeting scheduled for 9:00 a.m. was postponed until 10:30 a.m. (and didn’t actually convene until 10:47 a.m.).  One young lady in the audience expressed frustration and indicated that she was told to be there at 9:00 a.m., that she was there, and there was no way she could wait until 10:30 a.m.  Attorney Morris met with her privately and apparently indicated she’d just have to wait until September 21 or September 28 (tentative dates for the next meeting), and that particular matter was deferred.


Interestingly enough, at the meeting of Monday, August 3, 2015, Hamilton had to recuse herself from deliberations entailing Nelda Dural, a young lady for whom the board was considering revoking the teaching license.  She had to recuse herself because she admitted she had neither attended a day of the hearing nor had she read a transcript of the proceeding.  During a break, I inquired why she decided to stick around given that she couldn’t participate and the meeting was lasting ALL DAY.  Hamilton responded, “I’m one of the longest serving members of the board, and I’m very dedicated to it and to the profession.”  Apparently, all that “dedication” evaporated in seven days!


What follows are VERY brief videos of these episodes at the LSBC:

1-minute episode of the LSBC meeting of 8/3/15 wherein Burns is told  to sit in the corner (like a problematic child) and that the board is not going to permit him to videotape members’ or audience members’ facial footage as the meeting transpires.



LSBC meeting of 8/10/15 wherein member Taquilla Hamilton  has to be phoned
and begged to attend to obtain a quorum.

Here is a quick breakdown of who attended, who didn’t attend, and who was called and  begged to attend.


As blogger C. B. Forgotston says, “You can’t make this stuff up,” and I kind of doubt that, without a video camera to prove it, nobody would believe it!!



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Robert Burns Sounds Off on Louisiana Attorney General Buddy Caldwell (Part 2).








Louisiana Attorney General James D. “Buddy” Caldwell

Sound Off Louisiana founder Robert Burns sounds off on Louisiana Attorney General James D. “Buddy” Caldwell in the second of an anticipated 4-5 part installment:    

Burns Sounds Off on Buddy Caldwell:  Part 2.

CLICK HERE  to see the “smoking gun”
“Kunego” (a/k/a Steve Smith) email.

termination letter to CNSI.

CLICK HERE for 7/30/13 court transcript
wherein CNSI attorney Lewis
Unglesby lambasts AG Caldwell’s
office for stating that he and
his co-counsel, Michael McKay,
may engage in witness tampering
if material such as the
Kunego report (not to be
confused with  the Kunego
email above) isn’t filed under seal.

If you would like to be added to our Sound Off Louisiana email list to be notified of future Sound Off posts, simply scroll to the very bottom of this page (mobile devices) or to the end of the right-hand column (desktops) and supply your email address within the subscribe box.  You’ll then receive an automated email from Word Press, and all you have to do is click on the blue “confirm follow” bar contained within that email, and you’ll begin receiving great posts such as the preceding one above. 

Robert Burns Sounds Off on Louisiana Attorney General Buddy Caldwell (Part 1).








Louisiana Attorney General James D. “Buddy” Caldwell

Sound Off Louisiana founder Robert Burns sounds off on Louisiana Attorney General James D. “Buddy” Caldwell in the first of an anticipated 4-5 part installment:    


Burns Sounds Off on Buddy Caldwell:  Part 1.
CLICK HERE  to see quick highlighted documentation
of the mindset of CNSI whistleblower Steve Smith.

If you would like to be added to our Sound Off Louisiana email list to be notified of future Sound Off posts, simply scroll to the very bottom of this page (mobile devices) or to the end of the right-hand column (desktops) and supply your email address within the subscribe box.  You’ll then receive an automated email from Word Press, and all you have to do is click on the blue “confirm follow” bar contained within that email, and you’ll begin receiving great posts such as the preceding one above.