Louisiana Treasurer John Kennedy slams Commissioner Jay Dardenne’s statement that hospitals “must” treat anyone showing up at an emergency room as “absolutely not true.”

Louisiana Treasurer John Kennedy

Louisiana Commissioner of Administration Jay Dardenne


Appearing before the Baton Rouge Press Club on Monday, June 27, 2016, Louisiana Treasurer John Kennedy authoritatively slammed a recent statement by Gov. John Bel Edwards’ Commissioner of Administration, Jay Dardenne, and others that hospitals “must” treat any patient who shows up at an emergency room.  Kennedy described such statements as “simply not accurate.”:

Treasurer John Kennedy comments on whether he feels a
recent investigative report by Fox 8’s Lee Zurik

validates his repeated statements entailing Louisiana emergency
room abuses and also responds to statements by Louisiana Commissioner of
Administration Jay Dardenne (and others) that emergency rooms “must”
treat anyone showing up at an emergency room.

Highlights of Kennedy’s BRPC Address of 6/27/16, including
some intriguing one-on-one Q&As after his main presentation.

 CLICK HERE to  see Treasurer Kennedy’s actual BRPC presentation (without any post-presentation
one-on-one Q&As) in its entirety.

CLICK HERE for a previous Sound Off feature more extensively highlighting the sharply divergent
views of Kennedy & Dardenne.

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Rep. Julie Stokes on Louisiana Legislature’s willingness to remove, even partially, the exemption for “fat-cat” $200,000 pensions like that of Jay Dardenne: “I don’t see this Legislature willing to address it.”


Louisiana Rep. Julie Stokes (R-Kenner)

Two days before Gov. John Bel Edwards was inaugurated as Governor, Sound Off Louisiana  revealed the fact that Jay Dardenne’s Commissioner of Administration appointment would have a $615,000 impact on the state employees’ retirement system’s unfunded accrued liability (UAL). Less than one month later,  Dardenne defended the massive increase by stating that it enabled Gov. Edwards to “get the best possible person for the job.” Dardenne also didn’t question the magnitude of the impact.

Not only do these massive increases in the retirement system’s UAL inhibit retirees who worked for the state  for a small fraction of Dardenne’s golden-parachute-salary from obtaining pension COLAs, but Dardenne and other similar fat-cat state pensioners have the added advantage of being able to exempt their entire six-figure pensions from Louisiana state income taxes.

At the meeting of the Baton Rouge Press Club of Monday, June 13, 2016, State Rep. Julie Stokes (R-Kenner) was asked to comment on the fairness of such exemptions and why, during this extended period of tax hikes on everyday Louisiana citizens, this massive exclusion seems to never even surface for serious consideration. Let’s watch her response:

Stokes comments on the lucrative state pension exemption.

Most recently, Stokes introduced another iteration of her efforts to remove deductibility of Federal income taxes from one’s state tax return (in exchange, at least temporarily, for reduced tax rates). Stokes’ own analysis of the impact of her proposal, which she was gracious enough to provide at Press Club, demonstrates a seismic shift of tax burdens away from folk making less than $50,000 per year and toward folk in the $100,000 – $180,000 income range. Sound Off Louisiana’s Robert Burns therefore asked Stokes if there had been any factor for “leakage” (i.e. people moving to Texas) as a result of ever-increasing tax burdens on those adversely impacted by her proposal. Her response follows:

Stokes addresses any “leakage” factor (i.e. residents moving to Texas)
that may arise as a result of her proposed Constitutional Amendment
to eliminate the deductibility of Federal income taxes.

Stokes’ proposal fell well short of the 2/3 requirement to advance to the Senate.

Stokes also bluntly stated that the penny sales tax will serve as a “bridge” to other tax-increase measures and nothing more. Let’s hear her response to Burns’ question entailing fiscal conservatives who expected a bridge to meaningful spending reforms such as those advocated by State Treasurer (and U. S. Senate candidate) John Kennedy.


Stokes explains the purpose of the penny sales tax in terms of the
type of “bridge” is serves as.

Stokes responds to a question of “what two or three exemptions do
you feel are most critical to eliminate?”

Stokes describes relationships in the Louisiana Legislature and provides
her advice to Gov. Edwards in terms of a third special session.

CLICK HERE to see Rep. Stokes’ presentation to the Baton Rouge Press Club in its entirety.

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JBE continues Jindal’s auction corruption train as his latest LALB appointee, Jeff Henderson, is backed into suing his own father, Marvin Henderson, in Federal Court for alleged fraud.


Louisiana Gov. John Bel Edwards



Soon after Louisiana Governor John Bel Edwards appointed Rev. Freddie Lee Phillips to the Louisiana Auctioneer Licensing Board (LALB) on April 20, 2016, an action which Gov. Edwards rescinded on May 5, 2016, Sound Off Louisiana received what we believed to be highly-credible reports that Gov. Edwards was prepared to make wholesale replacements to clean up the years of corruption entailing that board.  Our sources were wrong!  In the following video (along with the support links below it), Sound Off Louisiana’s founder, Robert Burns, explains just how fast Gov. Edwards was to cave to the “good ‘ole boy” network of auctioneers and continue the corruption train on the LALB initially established by his predecessor, Gov. Bobby Jindal:

Burns explains exactly how JBE’s most-recent LALB
appointee, Jeff Henderson,
has been backed into suing his own father, Marvin Henderson, in Federal Court
in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, for alleged fraud perpetrated by Marvin Henderson.

CLICK HERE for the
Louisiana Revenue Department’s sales tax lawsuit

which was in place at the very time then-Gov. Jindal appointed Jeff Henderson
to the LALB.

CLICK HERE  for the Mississippi sales tax JUDGMENT recorded against
Marvin Henderson.  It was in anticipation of this type of filing that
likely prompted the formation of JAH with Jeff Henderson and Janet Cagley
(Marvin Henderson’s son and daughter, respectively) in the first place so
that a judgment would not attach to the company’s assets.

CLICK HERE for Marvin Henderson’s past auction felony (mail fraud).


CLICK HERE for highlights of Everett’s Third-Party Complaint

Against Marvin Henderson (Note:  CLICK HERE for FULL
3rd party complaint).

CLICK HERE for Henderson’s 6/25/16 service entailing 3rd Party Complaint

CLICK HERE for  highlights of JAH’s TOTALLY-restated petition.
(Note:  CLICK HERE  for the restated petition in its entirety).

CLICK HERE for Marvin Henderson’s bio as “CEO of Henderson Auctions”

(which the pleadings above allege were “removed” from the website upon
Henderson executing a sworn affidavit stating he “has no ownership
nor holds any office
with JAH  Enterprises, Inc.”)

CLICK HERE for Janet Cagley (Marvin Henderson’s daughter)’s bio
in which it’s stated she “collaborates” with Marvin Henderson, yet
the above pleadings indicated Marvin is “neither a shareholder NOR
officer of the company!”

Keith Babb, who himself bullied an elderly man who dared file a complaint against him,
and who would reference this PATHETIC document as an “auction contract,”
inducts Marvin Henderson into the NAA Hall of Fame.

CLICK  HERE for videos of Marvin Henderson defending the ILLEGAL practice
of shill bidding, even going so far as to say a law to enforce stiff penalties
against the practice will “put ME out of  business.” (8/2/10
audio on page).

CLICK HERE  for alphabetic listing of reviewed auctioneers
referenced at the early portion of the main video above.

CLICK HERE for more detailed background on Henderson v. Everett

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