Louisiana Attorney General Jeff Landry
[Editor’s Note: As stated on the video below, Sound Off Louisiana founder Robert Burns has a “soft spot” in his heart for Louisiana Attorney General Jeff Landry because of his determined resolve to block convicted felon Larry S. Bankston from obtaining state legal contracts. Nevertheless, consistent with his philosophy upon forming Sound Off Louisiana, Burns felt an obligation to provide contractor Billy Broussard with a forum in which to vent his long-simmering frustration entailing Landry, and that forum was provided via video interview of Tuesday, May 26, 2020, and is presented below.]
Broussard vents his long-simmering frustration regarding Louisiana Attorney General Jeff Landry entailing Landry’s legal representation and follow-up thereafter entailing a suit Broussard filed against Gravity District 8 of Ward 1 of Calcasieu Parish.
Support Documents:
1. ODC’s dismissal letter to Broussard dated April 30, 2020.
2. Broussard’s hand-delivered appeal of ODC’s dismissal.
3. Email from Landry’s Executive Assistant indicating Landry would provide an affidavit to Broussard (Landry later said it would be better to subpoena him and stated, according to Broussard, “I cannot lie under oath”).
4. Landry’s email and letter to 14th JDC Judge David Ritchie indicating Landry would be unable to attend court pursuant to his subpoena served by Broussard (Sylvester also indicated she could not attend either).
5. Broussard’s text message to Landry of November 13, 2018 as Broussard’s frustration with Landry began to reach a boiling point.
As we indicated in the video above, we are intentionally keeping the written portion of this post brief because the video speaks better than the written word; however, we do feel compelled to provide one segment below from Broussard’s appeal letter to the ODC:
Meanwhile, another attorney stated that I was likely “wasting my time” because he indicated that your office is literally flooded with complaints entailing attorneys who have abused drugs and/or absconded with client escrowed funds. If, in fact, your office is so inundated with complaints of drug-addicted attorneys and/or those who abscond with client escrowed funds, then that itself speaks volumes about the profession you are charged with policing as well as the incredible degree of latitude that attorneys not engaging in such behavior have to abuse the clients they represent with total immunity from negative consequences from your office. If it is the requirement of this office that only evidence of drug use and/or absconding with client escrow funds is going to be deemed “clear and convincing,” then I feel you should make that disclaimer to the public! I see no point to wasting a bunch of time and energy when any conduct falling short of those actions is going to be cavalierly dismissed in the manner you have done with my complaint after first taking 416 days to arrive at that conclusion.
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