Rep. Lance Harris: “For me personally, income tax increases are off the table for upcoming Special Session.”

Visual aid used by Rep. Lance Harris, R-Alexandria and Chairman of the Louisiana House Republic Caucus, outlining the so-called “fiscal cliff” timeline.  Harris used the graph during a presentation to the Baton Rouge Press Club (BRPC) on Monday, April 30, 2018.


At the meeting of the Baton Rouge Press Club (BRPC) of Monday, April 30, 2018, Rep. Lance Harris, R-Alexandria and Chairman of the Republican House Caucus, was emphatic in his own opinion that income tax increases are “out” for the upcoming Special Session of the Legislature.  Harris also expressed pessimism over the prospects of any such income tax proposal, and he volunteered those revenue measures which he believes may be viable in the upcoming session:

Rep. Harris discusses prospective revenue proposals for the upcoming Louisiana Special Session.


Rep. Harris also responded to a question by Sound Off Louisiana’s Robert Burns entailing an update on the Louisiana Checkbook initiative, which is scheduled for full House floor debate later today.  He also responded to his thoughts on Rep. Jay Morris’ (R-Monroe) frustration over the defeat of his initiative, HB-760, which would have enabled individual legislators such as himself to have the same level of detailed information on the budget as the Governor of Louisiana has:

Rep. Harris provides update on “Louisiana Checkbook” and elaborates on Rep. Jay Morris’ frustration over HB-760’s demise in Committee on 4/26/18.


Rep. Harris also fielded a question by public radio’s Sue Lincoln entailing the funding of the Republican House Caucus’ social media campaign, which Lincoln described as “very effective.”

Rep. Harris responds to question on the source of funding for the House Republican Caucus’ social media campaign.  Examples of those campaign initiatives:  “Fiscal Cliff Timeline,” and “Show Me the Cuts.” 


CLICK HERE for Rep. Harris’ presentation in its entirety.


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