Louisiana State Police Col. Lamar Davis, who came under sharp attack from an attorney representing LSP Trooper William R. “Roddy” Woodward at the July 8, 2021 meeting of the Louisiana State Police Commission.
On March 24, 2021, Louisiana State Police (LSP) Trooper William R. “Roddy” Woodward III, a trooper assigned to Troop F, arrested a suspected DWI driver. Woodward was subsequently notified by LSP that he was the subject of an investigation for alleged violations of “LSP and/or DPS policies and procedures.”
At the July 8, 2021 meeting of the Louisiana State Police Commission (LSPC), attorney Michael DuBos (the same attorney who successfully obtained a Temporary Restraining Order blocking LSP’s investigation of other Troop F troopers for alleged excessive force during arrests) absolutely lambasted Col. Lamar Davis and his administration for, according to DuBos, “failing to provide the factual allegations of alleged wrongdoing” on Woodward’s part. He openly stated, entailing Davis and his administration: “It’s a habit of this administration!”
DuBos sought the factual allegations in order that his client, Woodward, could be better prepared for an interview being conducted by LSP’s Internal Affairs Division concerning the DWI arrest. DuBos stated at the meeting that, when he requested the specifics of the factual allegations, the response he got back from Davis’ administration was that, “You’ve got all you’re going to get!”
Because the arguments DuBos poses go straight to the heart of LSP competency (or lack thereof), we believe his arguments are worth listening to in their entirety, so here they are:
DuBos slams Col. Davis and his administration entailing an alleged “habit” of not providing factual allegations when an LSP trooper is accused of wrongdoing.
Now, Davis was defended by three individuals: himself, LSPC Member Sabrina Richardson, and LSPC Trooper Member Robert Mire. Richardson began the defense and, in our view, was floundering so badly that Col. Davis felt compelled to step up and take over. Perhaps Richardson may be preoccupied with trying to replace supplemental income if she may not yet have fully recovered financially from a 2015 ban from New Orleans Police Special Events details. From that article:
Our investigative report found that Sgt. Walter Powers, Jr., Sgt. Sabrina Richardson and Officer Christopher Avist were among just a dozen officers who together earned a third of the $306,000 that officers working those special events earned over a six-month period.
“This is another case that points to why the secondary employment issue was so central to the consent decree because of the potential for abuse as well as corruption,” said Dr. George Capowich.
In Davis’ defense of himself and his administration, he seemed to be of the impression that troopers accused of wrongdoing, “have access to body-worn cameras,” and the ability to talk with superiors at their troops. Interestingly, DuBos flatly stated that, while Davis may not be aware of it, Trooper Woodward was specifically “blocked” from having access to his body-worn camera prior to being questioned by Internal Affairs. DuBos also openly questioned the appropriateness of talking about the investigation with fellow troopers (to include superiors at his/her troop) because of the confidential nature of Internal Affairs investigations.
If the statement by DuBos regarding Woodward being “blocked” from accessing his own body-worn camera is true (and not a soul in the room said anything to contradict his statement), then it would be an indication that Davis is clueless regarding much of the daily operations at LSP and also that key underlings have him on a “needs to know basis,” which is something WBRZ investigative reporter Chris Nakamoto told Davis just may be a problem if Doug Cain served as Chief of Staff, at least according to Nakamoto’s sources.
We have further evidence that Davis is either being kept in the dark regarding names submitted for promotions who have problematic pasts, or else he knows about the problematic pasts and is nevertheless approving the promotions. We’ll be exposing some of these promotions in future posts.
The bottom line is that Davis is a bigger lame duck than Gov. Edwards because the next Louisiana Governor is most assuredly going to name his or her own choice for LSP Colonel.
There can be little doubt that behind-the-scenes jockeying to be the next LSP Col. under the next governor is now and has been transpiring for quite some time. We have little doubt Cain is a big factor in that jockeying, and perhaps Cain has made some of the recommendations he has made for promotions to appease the “old guard” and help solidify his standing for being named as the official LSP Colonel. As we’ve reported previously, Cain, as Chief of Staff, is essentially LSP Colonel now as numerous troopers have told us that the actual LSP Colonel is merely the public face of LSP and that the Chief of Staff really runs the whole show.
At any rate, for Davis to make the public statement that troopers accused of wrongdoing have ready access to their body-worn camera footage and then be immediately countered by DuBos that Woodward was “blocked” from such access is a monumental embarrassment for Davis irrespective of the factors in play that caused him to be so out-of-touch with the operations of his own agency!
Being blunt, in our opinion, LSPC Member/Trooper Robert Mire’s defense of Davis was even weaker than Richardson’s. Subscribers can hear what he had to say as we present the audio file shortly.
Only LSPC Member Brian Crawford, who has extensive experience entailing allegations of wrongdoing in his prior role with the Shreveport Fire Department, seemed to grasp just how absurd it is to accuse a trooper of wrongdoing and then leave him or her to guess what the heck he or she allegedly did wrong!
Crawford drove that point home very effectively, only to then be accused by Chairman Eulis Simien, Jr., of, “getting way into the facts.” Crawford, who rarely (if ever) has even a modest counter-statement directed at Simien, took the opportunity to remind Simien that he sought no “facts” whatsoever but merely sought to find out from Davis’ administration if they spelled out the factual allegations of wrongdoing in the letter to Woodward and, if not, why they failed to do so.
Here’s the audio file of the incredibly weak defenses offered up for Davis and his administration by Davis himself, Richardson, and Mire, and Crawford’s questioning of why any factual allegations were not present in the letter to Woodward if they in fact were not:
Richardson, Davis, and Mire attempt to defend the letter to Woodward, while Crawford openly questions why factual allegations of alleged wrongdoing may have been omitted from the letter.
We will give credit to Richardson for one thing. She asked LSP lawyers how the alleged wrongdoing on Woodward’s part came to light. LSP’s response: “Not through a public complaint but through an audit.”
We find LSP’s response very interesting, especially given that Woodward has requested that LSP, “cease and desist from retaliation against me…and treat me fairly without prejudice.”
We’ll report far more detail regarding why Woodward made the statement he made in the preceding paragraph as we publish the third installment of the LSPC meeting of July 8, 2021.
Regarding the present matter, DuBos sought for the charges against Woodward to be summarily dismissed based on the alleged inadequacy of LSP’s letter to him entailing an absence of factual allegations. The LSPC voted unanimously to deny Woodward’s motion for his charges to be summarily dismissed, and the matter is set for hearing at the August 12, 2021 LSPC meeting. We’ll certainly be there with our video camera to record that hearing.
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