Contractor Billy Broussard, mere moments after he filed complaints against four (4) attorneys with the Louisiana Office of Disciplinary Counsel on Monday, March 11, 2019.
Subscribers will recall from our last feature that contractor Billy Broussard sent formal demand letters to attorneys Robin Sylvester and Mark “Tiger” Pharr seeking their malpractice insurance policy information, and he provided a deadline of noon on March 7, 2019 for them to fulfill his demand. On Monday, March 11, 2019, Broussard telephoned us and informed us that both attorneys had failed to conform to his demand and that he was in transit to the Louisiana Office of Disciplinary Counsel (ODC) for the purpose of filing complaints against both attorneys for failing to provide the requested information.
Broussard also informed us that he had isolated an audio clip of his former attorney Robin Sylvester advising him that he should file formal complaints with the ODC against the attorney for the Calcasieu Parish Police Jury, Sam Gabb, and against Russell “Rusty” Stutes, attorney for Gravity Drainage District 8 of Ward 1 of Calcasieu Parish. The audio clip is only 50 seconds in length, and Broussard provided it to ODC as part of his documentation against those two attorneys. Let’s take just a moment to listen to Sylvester explaining exactly how she alleges Stutes and Gabb “violated all the ethics rules.”:
Robin Sylvester, in a meeting with her former client, Billy Broussard, on September 12, 2018, explains exactly how Stutes and Gabb “violated all the ethics rules” as she encourages Broussard to file complaints with the ODC over those alleged ethics violations. Broussard took her advice and, on Monday, March 11, 2019, he filed a complaint against Stutes as well as a complaint against Gabb.
Now, when Broussard called us, we asked if we could meet him at the ODC and produce a brief video of him moments after he filed the complaints. Here’s that video:
Broussard speaks with Sound Off Louisiana founder Burns moments after filing complaints against Russell “Rusty” Stutes, Sam Gabb, Robin Sylvester, and Mark “Tiger” Pharr.
Regarding reference in the above video, Stutes’ response to our public records request for his invoices for filing the restraining order he filed against Broussard, here’s the letter he sent in response:
Let’s take a brief look at the substance of Broussard’s complaints against Stutes and Sylvester, shall we?
Also, in reference near the end of the video about Legislative Auditor staffer John Morehead’s statements that “all the debris had to be eligible because Dan Kennedy signed off on it,” that’s contained in this Sound Off Louisiana feature. In the video above, Sound Off Louisiana’s founder, Robert Burns, states that that meeting was in March of 2018; however, the actual date of the meeting was April 13, 2018.
There is a significant group in Calcasieu Parish which has gotten fed up with what they contend is massive governmental corruption in Calcasieu Parish and what they also contend is an abysmal failure on the part of the local paper, the American Press, to cover such corruption. As a result, they have formed their own substitute medium for disseminating items of concern to them, and it has over 2,000 members! That group is named Calcasieu Parish – In Check. We’ve been extended a membership invitation which we accepted, and we’ve found their posts to the group to be of great interest to us.
Finally, frustration with American Press notwithstanding, they published an article yesterday regarding a proposal to consolidate all of the Calcasieu Parish Drainage Districts into only two. Interestingly, in the third-to-last paragraph of that article, we find the following matter addressed by Chris Landry, Calcasieu Parish Police Juror for District 7, to be intriguing:
Landry also pointed out various issues drainage districts have encountered, such as not following budget requirements under state law, several years of not providing records and minutes of meetings and inadequate drug screen policies.
We find the “several years of not providing public records and minutes of meetings” to be quite revealing to be made in such a public format by a sitting Calcasieu Parish governmental official. It’s possible Landry is referencing Broussard. If not, it sure looks like there may be a pattern of withholding public documents, particularly when those documents may implicate Calcasieu Parish officials entailing alleged fraud against FEMA which Broussard has contended for an extended period did in fact transpire regarding the Indian Bayou project in the aftermath of Hurricane Rita.
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