LSP Trooper Daryl Thomas
There was plenty to be hashed out at the meeting of the Louisiana State Police Commission (LSPC) of Thursday, June 14, 2018. Let’s break it down by video segment:
LSP Trooper Daryl Thomas flatly denies committing payroll fraud and slams an investigative report by Fox8’s Lee Zurik as he pleads with the LSPC to not suspend him without pay and the LSPC’s response.
As is obvious from the preceding video, Thomas is emphatic that far more egregious violations have been committed by LSP Troopers. Thomas elaborated to Advocate reporter Jim Mustian during an executive session of the meeting.
Next, there was a discussion of a Motion for Summary Judgment (i.e. dismiss all charges) on yet another Zurik investigative report entailing a Las Vegas detour en route to a San Diego convention:
LSPC deliberates Motions to Dismiss charges by “Vegas crew.”
On a previous Sound Off Louisiana feature, we were asked to contact the Executive Director of the Louisiana State Trooper’s Association (LSTA), David Young, and inquire about the process by which the LSTA decides whether it will pay the defense costs for any given trooper who files an appeal of a disciplinary action with the LSPC. We reproduce that paragraph of the feature’s segment below:
We contacted Young on Friday, December 15, 2017, and he indicated that, whenever an LSP Trooper desires to appeal a disciplinary action to the LSPC, as a member of the LSTA (which he indicated “93% – 94% of active troopers are members”), he or she may ask to have the legal representation costs covered by the LSTA. The process entails the trooper appearing before the LSTA Board of Directors, and a closed-door meeting takes place during which the trooper supplies the relevant facts and documentation to the Board. The Board then takes a vote and, if approved, LSTA funds are then allocated to provide legal representation to the trooper using attorney Floyd Falcon, Jr., who was first admitted to practice law in Louisiana in 1972, as the attorney who will represent the trooper.
We contacted Young again today, June 14, 2018, and he indicated that the LSTA Board of Directors has met entailing providing the funds for the defense of the “Vegas crew” troopers, and that each trooper has been approved for his defense costs to be borne by the LSTA.
Next, the LSPC discussed changing the venue of its August meeting to Monroe, Louisiana to accommodate witnesses entailing the appeal of LSP Trooper Joseph Jones, who took exception to his son’s high school football coach allegedly permitting Vodka and beer to be consumed by football players (to the point of intoxication by most everyone, including the coach) and that same coach allegedly while plastered by alcohol, then, “beating his (Trooper Jones’) son up pretty bad, almost to unconsciousness.”
Other players reportedly called Trooper Jones in a state of near panic and, when Trooper Jones arrived, that’s when he let his sentiments on the matter be known. Sound Off Louisiana will make the trip to Monroe for the August 9, 2018 hearing and videotape the proceedings as we are told there are quite a few subplots to this incident that should be intriguing. The football coach was fired, and it is not known who filed a complaint against Trooper Jones.
LSPC discusses moving August meeting to Monroe, Louisiana.
Here’s a little more background on the incident that will be deliberated on August 9, 2018 in Monore:
Fox14 feature on Sterlington High School football coach altercation.
Finally, the LSPC accepted the resignation of member Michael W. Neustrom, who provided the rationale for his resignation:
Member Neustrom explains his resignation from the LSPC.
NOTE: For historical videos of LSPC meetings in their entireties, CLICK HERE.
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Once again you can see the mind set of the Louisiana State Police and the Louisiana State Troopers Association.
1. Colonel Reeves continues to overlook criminal acts committed by State Troopers.
2. The Louisiana State Troopers Association removed four retired troopers after they exposed the illegal political donations (Lifetime Charter members). The L.S.T.A. and its Executive Director, David Young, later admitted wrong doing!
3. The L.S.T.A. claims it takes care of its own, but when the recent floods came, they made $1,000.00 donations to every active trooper who flooded but refused any assistance to the 20+ retired troopers who also flooded.
The Louisiana State Troopers Association takes public donations and uses them to defend troopers who have apparently committed criminal acts (The Vegas four). Maybe the public should reconsider how its donations are used or misused?
When will the Louisiana State Police and the Louisiana State Troopers Association make an attempt to regain the Public trust, Honor and Integrity they once deserved?
Just watched this video with Daryl Thomas. What a cry baby. I don’t feel sorry him at all. He is getting what he deserves.
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