Luke Mixon, D-Bunkie, candidate for United States Senate, who seeks to upset incumbent U. S. Sen. John Kennedy, R-Madisonville, in Louisiana’s November 2022 election.
On September 17, 2021, we published this feature of Gov. Edwards downplaying Louisiana State Police (LSP)’s role in the death of Ronald Greene. We believe Edwards’ words, which were first reported upon by the Louisiana Illuminator after that publication heard them on Radio talk show host Jim Engster’s 9/15/21 “Ask the Governor” feature, speak for themselves; therefore, we are going to repeat his statements via the video below:
Engster and Edwards discuss any LSP cover-up entailing Ronald Greene’s death on Wednesday’s (September 15, 2021) “Ask the Governor” Jim Engster show.
On Monday, January 10, 2022, Luke Mixon (D-Bunkie), appeared as the guest speaker of the Baton Rouge Press Club (BRPC). Mixon has declared his candidacy for the United State Senate to unseat incumbent U. S. Sen. John Kennedy.
During his presentation, Mixon heaped considerable praise upon Louisiana Gov. John Bel Edwards and stated that Edwards is, “the person with whom I am most aligned with on political ideology.” Once those words were out of his mouth, Sound Off Louisiana founder Robert Burns immediately raised his hand to pose a question of whether Mixon would desire to place distance between himself and the words uttered by Edwards on the video above. Let’s take a look at Mixon’s response:
Mixon responds to Burns’ question of whether he wishes to place distance between himself and Gov. John Bel Edwards’ downplaying of LSP’s role in the death of Ronald Greene.
Again, the words speak for themselves, and the only commentary we’ll make is that, given the widespread coverage Edwards’ remarks got and the fact that they transpired on the very show of the gentleman who invited and introduced Mixon to the BRPC (Jim Engster), we find it absolutely incredible (and downright shocking) that someone who wants to seriously contend to become a United State Senator would have to admit that he has been so aloof that he “has not heard” Edwards’ commentary.
Mixon said in his presentation that he looks forward to debating Kennedy. If so, somebody better prep him extensively. Why? Because admitting to not even having heard Edwards’ words on Greene is inexcusable! That is especially the case given that he’s the individual Mixon wants to be most aligned with in terms of political ideology.
It’s an early indication that Mixon, while he may have incredible integrity and be an all-around great person of high ethics (and we certainly got that impression and admire his obvious commitment to the United States as evidenced by his Military service), going up against Kennedy that ill-prepared will be like the Green Bay Packers going up against Glen Oaks High School (Burns’ Alma Mater) in football. Kennedy is a very, very seasoned veteran debater and politician. He will literally rip Mixon to shreds in any such debate if Mixon shows up with this degree of deer-in-headlights performance as his response to that question.
Now, as evidenced in the video above, Burns also stressed how critical obtaining both massive black voter turnout and his need to carry 97%+ of that black vote are to even have any realistic shot at winning. After all, Edwards, whom he wants to model after, got 97% black support in 2019, yet he still managed only an approximate 40,000 vote win. Furthermore, Edwards got that win (our opinion here) against two utterly incompetent Republican challengers who should take the all-time prize for most inept and disastrous campaigns ever ran for that office in Louisiana’s history! As most folk know, we have a permanent monument to that incompetency!
We have no way to know, but we believe another question by Engster of, “Who was the last Republican you voted for?” may not have aided Mixon in terms of endearing himself with black voters either. Let’s take a look at his response to Engster’s question:
Mixon responds to Engster’s question of, “Who was the last Republican you voted for?
Being blunt, quickly qualifying his response with, “both great candidates,” and other flattering commentary on the late Sen. John McCain, is not very likely going to be enough to overcome in some black voters’ minds admitting to not supporting Barack Obama in 2008. His mentor, Edwards, never had to admit such a vote.
We guess we may find out as the election grows closer.
CLICK HERE to see Mixon’s presentation in its entirety.
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