Fired LSP Trooper Carl Cavalier states on Carl Nelson’s radio show that one of Greene’s arresting LSP Troopers left message on LSP’s MDT system asking, “Is tonight nigger night? Is tonight the night we go hunt for someone?”

Fired LSP Trooper Carl Cavalier, who revealed on the January 24, 2023 edition of Carl Nelson’s Baltimore, Maryland-based radio broadcast that one of Ronald Greene’s arresting troopers sent out a message on one of LSP’s Mobile Data Terminals (MDTs) openly inquiring, “Is tonight nigger night?  Is tonight the night we go hunting for someone?”

On January 30, 2023, when we introduced “Sister Khadijah Rashad” and published her concerns about law-enforcement in Iberia Parish, we openly encouraged our subscribers and site visitors to listen to the Carl Nelson radio broadcast of January 24, 2023.

We knew that few people would do as we guided and listen to the second hour of the broadcast which featured fired LSP Trooper Carl Cavalier.  We kind of doubt that even LSP top brass bothered with tuning in to what Cavalier had to say.

That’s unfortunate because we readily revealed that Cavalier had some valuable nuggets of information that we’d not heretofore been made aware.

One such nugget is the fact that Cavalier indicated that, in the timeframe of the Ronald Greene in-custody death on May 10, 2019, one of the troopers left a damning message on the internal LSP MDT (mobile data terminal) system.  What was that alleged damning message?  According to Cavalier, it went along the lines of, “Is tonight nigger night?  Is tonight the night that we go hunting for someone?”

On Nelson’s show, Cavalier responded to a tweet sent in to Nelson from a listener with the first name of Don in which he asked if the North Louisiana LSP troopers, “viewed themselves as a gang?”  Let’s listen in on Cavalier providing his response to the inquiry by one of Nelson’s listeners (Don):

  The Carl Nelson radio broadcast of January 24, 2023.

Though we certainly knew it would be a wasted exercise in futility, beginning on January 31, 2023, we initiated a series of email exchanges entailing a public records request for the alleged entry by the trooper.

Obviously, anyone with functioning brain cells would know that hell would literally freeze over three times before LSP would hand over any such document to us.  Nevertheless, we welcome anyone to view our email exchanges by clicking here.  As is obvious from our final email to LSP, we openly invited LSP Col. Lamar Davis to either provide comment to us or to appear on camera entailing the subject matter of this feature.  He declined.

Just as we did before we first broke the Ronald Greene matter on September 10, 2020 based on compelling evidence that we had that then-Master Trooper Chris Hollingsworth had turned off his body camera leading up to Greene’s arrest (which was the nature of our public records request way back then and which turned out to be spot-on with Hollingworth turning that camera off for a whopping approximate 52 minutes), we have been able to reach that same level of confidence through our sources to publish this feature now notwithstanding our exercise in futility to obtain the infamous MDT entry from LSP.

According to our sources, Sergeant Gustave (“Gus”) Bethea discovered the message on Dakota DeMoss’ computer, and it was a message he sent to another trooper openly asking, “Is this nigger night?”

Our sources further informed us that Bethea, who was a Trooper at the same time, gave the information to the FBI, and that the then-head of LSP Legal Affairs, Faye Morrison Dysart, was very upset with Bethea for providing that information to the FBI.

We were also informed that the software in 2019 being utilized on MDTs was “mobile cop,” which allows troopers to message one another.  That would be the same technology upon which we published this February 10, 2022 feature, the contents of which were replicated in publications on an international basis.  Here’s a refresher of some of the messages sent on the MDTs back then:

The troopers then escorted Harris to one of their marked police vehicles. As they placed Harris in the back seat, Tpr. Harper threatened him by saying, “stupid motherfucker, I hope you act up when we get to the fucking jail. I am going to punish you, dumb bitch. What the fuck is wrong with you, stupid motherfucker. ”

Jacob Brown “How was his attitude at the jail?”

George Harper “Complete silence”

Jacob Brown “Lmao”

Dakota DeMoss “lol he was still digesting that ass whoop in”

Jacob Brown “its gonna take him a couple days … ”

Jacob Brown “he gonna be sore tomorrow for sure”

Jacob Brown “BET he wont run from a full grown bear again”

Dakota DeMoss “Bet he don’t even cross into LA anymore”

George Harper “GRIZZLY Nah he gonna spread the word that’s for damn sure”

Jacob Brown “lmao”

Dakota DeMoss “he’s gonna have nightmares for a long time”

Jacob Brown “lmao…..warms my heart knowing we could educate that young man”

Dakota DeMoss “lolol”

Larry Shappley “haha”

We can only assume that DeMoss was a big fan of these MDT systems and the ability to rapidly communicate and make inquiry, no?

So, is it any wonder why LSP wanted (wants?) to just cram $200,000 down Cavalier’s throat and tell him to fade off into the sunset?

Speaking of that cram down effort, it sure seems to have gone eerily silent, no?  The only filing made in about a month is this February 4, 2023 Cavalier filing opposing his previous attorney, Jill Craft’s, Motion to Deem Privilege Waived.  The Motion has been referred to Judge deGravelles, but no record of any ruling has yet been made public.

Who knows?  Perhaps if an insurance company is intertwined with the Office of Risk Management in having made the decision to agree to settle the matter and fork over a $200,000 payment, maybe that insurance company may have now balked and revoked their own commitment to stroke the check!

Given all of the revelations which have come out about this whole matter (to include an extremely rare peek into the opposition’s former attorney’s — i.e. Jill Craft’s — bleak prospects entailing the likelihood of getting a larger settlement at trial), who could blame any insurance company for any such balking at this stage of the game?

Of course, that would also beg the question of why Attorney General (and candidate for Louisiana Governor), Jeff Landry, convinced any such insurance company (or taxpayers directly if no insurance company was involved) that it was in its (their) best interest to settle.  Heck, any such insurance company may be willing to deem Cavalier worthy of being the King of a Mardi Gras parade!

Let us make clear that any insurance company (assuming there even is one, but we’re willing to bet there is and we seem to have a very foggy recollection of a Tennessee-based one referenced at some point in all this, but that could just be Burns’ advancing age and/or the fact that there is just too much material on all this to readily keep it in one’s head) which has chosen to now balk at remitting the $200,000 is 100 percent, T-total speculation on our part.

Nevertheless, does anybody have a better idea why everything went so silent on the previously-hot-to-trot efforts to cram all this down Cavalier’s throat?  If so, we’re all ears!

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3 thoughts on “Fired LSP Trooper Carl Cavalier states on Carl Nelson’s radio show that one of Greene’s arresting LSP Troopers left message on LSP’s MDT system asking, “Is tonight nigger night? Is tonight the night we go hunt for someone?””

  1. It sounds like it was a hunt. Just think how they felt so comfortable typing words so vile into a system that they knew was being saved and monitored what other things they were doing and getting away with.

    Second, How is an attorney for the state police telling a trooper to lie or hide information from the FBI. She needs to be reported to the Bar.

    Louisiana State Police: Literally, hiring felons, covering up murders, their attorneys are telling their troopers to lie, punishing troopers for using body cameras to protect themselves from crap supervisors, promoting criminals to supervision…..we wonder why they are committing criminal acts. Rotten at the head. Any trooper not speaking out on this is just as complicit.

    Thank you Mr. Cavalier.

    Wonder where no lies is on this?

    1. I can’t say anything about what was typed or the context of that conversation. I can give my opinion or personal beliefs on the matter, but neither are facts. I personally do not use that language. I have never cared for it even as a child. I find it to be very offensive.

      Apparently, which is probably no surprise to anyone, there is corruption even with attorneys. Which flows right into the justice system. I think that if I had an attorney advising me to lie about what happened or was said and done, I would find another one.

      I applaud Cavalier on doing what he is doing and standing up for what’s right. It’s a shame more people don’t. It’s also a shame that when they actually do; they get black listed and retaliated against. Ask Cavalier and a few others. Unfortunately, it’s an uphill battle.

      I am blown away with what happened with Greene and how it was handled. In that situation, I don’t feel that it’s the first time something like that has happened. I have no personal knowledge of anything specific, but that kind of behavior just doesn’t happen over night. Supervisors failed to correct it a long time before Greene came along.

      State Police is suppose to be the top of the line, best of the best and do things right. There are those who try their best to do so, but they are human just like everyone else and do make mistakes. Unfortunately, there are bad apples no matter what the job is. I don’t know when the last time state police actually reached those top standards. It’s a sad time that we live in at the moment. I have no expectations of it getting better anytime soon. Higher ups seem to be trying to do what they think is the right way of handling things, but no one is perfect. Some good things are being done. Others are not so great, but nothing is ever perfect.

      Always have to love those on social media and news commenting or reporting on things when the entire story, or investigation isn’t complete, or making statements of their own opinions like they are facts. Everyone always wants immediate answers and results. Which just pushes the system to fail even more.

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