Former U. S. Congressman Joseph Cao Sounds Off on alleged discrimination against Louisiana Vietnamese manicurists.

Former U. S. Congressman Joseph Cao


Former U. S. Congressman Joseph Cao, during testimony before the Senate Commerce and Consumer Protection Committee on May 27, 2015, lambasted the Louisiana State Board of Cosmetology (LSBC).

The following 3-minute video clip highlights Congressman Cao’s testimony:

To learn far more about the background that prompted Cao’s critical remarks of the LSBC:

CLICK HERE to learn exactly what led to Cao’s frustration.

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3 thoughts on “Former U. S. Congressman Joseph Cao Sounds Off on alleged discrimination against Louisiana Vietnamese manicurists.”

  1. Difficulty by laws and regulations of the Louisiana State Board of Cosmetology interferes with Vietnamese entrepreneurs who invest a lot of time, energy, and effort in trying to run their businesses and trying to make an honest living.

    In cases, especially with the Louisiana State Board of Cosmetology, the persons most affected by their rules and regulations are low-income individuals, minorities, and single mothers.

    With strict licensing requirements, it is easier to get a welfare check than a paycheck!

    The Vietnamese people are not asking for a handout but to simply to be allowed to practice a gainful trade without unfair interference!

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