As investigative journalist Tom Aswell exposes lavish out-of-state travel for Inspector General Stephen Street, State District Judge issues devastating ruling against him in delaHoussaye civil trial.

Louisiana Inspector General Stephen Street


On December 8, 2016, investigative journalist Tom Aswell published this article demonstrating that Louisiana Inspector General Stephen Street has spent considerably more on out-of-state travel to conventions than has been spent on investigations within the state of Louisiana.

In the following Sound Off Louisiana feature, Robert Burns provides an update on the civil lawsuits of Corey delaHoussaye and Murphy Painter against Inspector Street and others in the OIG office:

Burns provides update on delaHoussaye v. OIG & Painter v. OIG

Supporting Documents and Webpage Links:

for Burns’ interview with delaHoussaye entailing fraud after Hurricane Gustav (at the time, delaHoussaye was still being prosecuted criminally over an alleged $6,000 in improper billings for his time).

for delaHoussaye’s open plea for Street’s office to be abolished.

CLICK HERE for Street’s meltdown upon being confronted on the criminal case debacles of delaHoussaye and Painter.  .

for delaHoussaye attorney Al Robert Jr.’s arguments for the OIG’s Peremptory Exceptions to be denied (Judge Caldwell did deny the exceptions).  

for the OIG’s appeal of Caldwell’s ruling to the First Circuit Court of Appeal.

for delaHoussay’s newly-formed blog to chronicle future developments in his ongoing battle with the OIG.

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