JBE’s Revenue Secretary Kimberly Robinson: “I typically don’t quote Sen. Vitter,” (entailing efficiency of Transportation Trust Fund expenditures).

Louisiana Rev. Secretary Kimberly Robinson

On December 19, 2016, appearing before the Baton Rouge Press Club, Gov. John Bel Edwards’ Revenue Secretary, Kimberly Robinson, responded to a question by Sound Off Louisiana founder Robert Burns entailing any upcoming gasoline tax proposal and her thoughts on commentary by U. S. Sen. David Vitter, who asserted in the 2015 Gubernatorial Campaign that only 11% of Transportation Trust Fund dollars are actually spent on highway and bridge construction and repair:

Robinson addresses future gasoline tax and efficiency of Transportation Trust Fund expenditures.

Robinson also addressed the degree to which she believes voters were educated in casting their votes on Constitutional Amendment # 3 on the November 8, 2016 ballot.  The results of that vote follow:

CA NO. 3 (ACT 31 – HB 31) — Eliminate Deductibility of Federal
Income Taxes

All 3904 precincts reporting

Absentee reporting – 100%

Robinson’s commentary on “voter education” and efforts to proceed forward with eliminating the deductibility of Federal income taxes in calculating one’s state income tax liability:

Robinson on CA 3 above and a response to Burns’ inquiry about voters perhaps actually being educated as a result of Rep. Julie Stokes’ analysis of the impact when she appeared before the BRPC on 6/9/16. CLICK HERE to see Robinson’s presentation in its entirety.


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