Former Louisiana State Police Lt. Colonel Jay Oliphant, whom Natchitoches Mayor Ronnie Williams, Jr., announced on Wednesday, December 7, 2022 that he was tapping to be his Director of Public Safety pending City Council approval on Monday, December 12, 2022.
On Wednesday, December 7, 2022 at 2:40 p.m., we got a call asking us to watch a live stream YouTube video.
What was it? Well, it seems the City of Natchitoches, with about $500,000 in spare change just lying around, had its Mayor, Ronnie Williams, Jr., call a rather impromptu news conference at 2:30 p.m. (he’d be asked about the timing near the end of the news conference) to indicate that the City would spend that spare change to hire former Louisiana State Police (LSP) Col. Jay Oliphant as its Director of Public Safety. It was Oliphant who was considered an extreme long shot to replace outgoing Col. Kevin Reeves, and he was known to be extremely tight with and loyal to Reeves.
Let’s provide that sudden impromptu news conference for our subscribers and casual site viewers at this time:
12/7/22 2:30 p.m. impromptu news conference called by the Mayor of Natchitoches, Ronnie Williams, Jr., to announce his proposed appointment of former LSP Lt. Col. Jay Oliphant to Director of Natchitoches’ Department of Public Safety and be over its Police Chief and its Fire Chief. The Mayor begins to tout Oliphant beginning at the 7:15 mark of the video, and Oliphant begins speaking at the 11:00 mark.
We here at Sound Off Louisiana would respectfully strongly challenge Mayor Williams’ touting of Oliphant’s LSP accomplishments, particularly when he headed patrol and permitted a significant number of problematic acts by troopers to transpire under his tenure. We now present excerpts of a video we produced on January 6, 2021 entailing those problematic acts together with links for news features entailing them:
Excerpts from January 6, 2021 video presented by Sound Off Louisiana founder Robert Burns.
Links for episodes referenced by Burns for areas overseen by former Lieutenant Colonel Jay Oliphant follow:
1. Kasha Domingue.
2. Jacob Brown.
3. Ronald Greene
4. August McKay (A) and August McKay (B)
5. Kaleb Reeves (Note: CLICK HERE for documentation on all of Kaleb Reeves’ fleet accidents during his LSP career).
6. Michael Lynn Satcher, II.
Now anyone is welcome to read by clicking here Oliphant’s deposition testimony that, even though former LSP Col. Reeves had him heading SWAT, he said he had no idea how to perform a SWAT assessment.
Near the end of the news conference, Mayor Williams opened it up for Q & A. One attendee asked where the money was coming from for this $500,000 outlay. In layman’s terms, the responder essentially indicated that it was just lying around.
Everyone knows the old saying about money burning a hole in one’s pocket. Looks to us like that’s the case with the City of Natchitoches.
We understand the City Council will take up Williams’ proposal Monday night (December 12, 2022). We think we’ll tune in to the live stream just to watch how it goes!
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I Believe Oliphant was demoted to Major prior to his retirement.
I am pretty sure that he was also over patrol when Mr. Harris and
Mr. Bowman were severely beaten . As commander over patrol he
was the major and in the chain of command should have been
responsible for stopping the cover up. As I see it he should be
charged , at least, with ACCESSORY AFTER THE FACT. For sure
in the Ronald Greene case.
I think the City of Natchitoches is showing nepotism. Jay Oliphant relative works close in hand to Mayor Williams. Which is I believe Community Outreach & Grant Director Nicole Gray. We have already a competent Police Chief & Fire Chief. Why do we need an Public Safety Director. Mr. Oliphant should’ve applied when Police Chief position was available. This is a slap in those Department Heads face. In which the video shows that during news conference. Quite showing. No offense Mr. Oliphant has probably a nice retirement salary. My advice move on. And Mayor Williams bad decision. Show some respect & confidence in your Staff. You’re going over the top. Just take a good look @ City of Shreveport. Namely referencing Mayor Perkins hiring “Friends”. Natchitoches watching. Just my take. I never heard of such.
It looks like there’s a law-enforcement veteran who openly questions this proposal and whether it is the most efficient use of precious taxpayer resources:
Mr Police Chief and Fire Chief, the mayor is saying to you, in a round about way, that you two are unable to lead your departments, so he has to bring in a third person. Why don’t you two chiefs lobby the city council to divide the monies he says he has and let each of you decide what is best for your departments. Seems to me oliphant is bringing some baggage with him.