Together Baton Rouge leader Broderick Bagert
In a controversial presentation that left many in the audience shaking their heads upon its conclusion, Together Baton Rouge leader Broderick Bagert, at a meeting of the Press Club of Baton Rouge of Monday, February 6, 2017, stated that, while Baton Rouge Police drug enforcement practices are “not intentionally discriminatory,” they nevertheless produce “results which are profoundly discriminatory.” Here’s a highlight video of Bagert’s presentation:
Bagert initially provides stats, then says BR Police practices are “not intentionally discriminatory,” after which he states that the practices “nevertheless produce results which are profoundly discriminatory.”
CLICK HERE for Bagert’s presentation in its entirety and CLICK HERE for Bagert’s handout provided to BRPC members.
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Perhaps if you clowns would stop making everything about race and make it about people you wouldn’t arrive at these idiotic conclusions. Never mind praising the BRPD for taking the drugs off the streets that are poisoning our youth, lets try to make the police seem racist because they arrest black people. Pathetic in every regard.
I am a general member of the press club and was there as I am for any other presentation just to learn or ask a specific question. If one was at the presentation and listening one would have found out the discrimination is based upon income or location which in turns affects persons of lower income that too often is a minority. The drug rates of use were the same across the community with the peak of LSU’s zip, yet the enforcement was almost always in the poor areas and coupled to another crime, IE violence. Thus not congruent to any individual officer’s bias, but to policy. The result could be devastating, as part of a multiple strikes law (3 strikes your out) to financial college loans denial that would be of great importance to this economic segment.