LSP trooper attorney Floyd Falcon moves for LSP Col. Kevin Reeves’ testimony to be stricken based upon an alleged violation of sequestration order.

Louisiana State Police Col. Kevin Reeves, who was accused of violating a sequestration order by attorney Floyd Falcon, testifies at an appeal hearing for three troopers transpiring before the Louisiana State Police Commission on Friday, July 13, 2018.

Friday, July 13, 2018 was the third day of a four-day appeal hearing wherein three LSP troopers are appealing the discipline meted upon them by LSP Col. Kevin Reeves for a “Las Vegas side trip” pertaining to an LSP convention held in October of 2016.

 As we made clear in our post of the previous day, the mainstream media was TOTALLY fixated on the testimony of former LSP Col. Mike Edmonson.  We stated in that feature that we believed that to be a misguided focus, but our subscribers are welcome to view that testimony.  Be forewarned, however, that we found it to fully meet our expectations of being:  #1) irrelevant (it has been substantiated beyond any shadow of a doubt that Edmonson approved the side trip without the need for a word to be uttered from his mouth), #2) boring, and #3) useless.  Thus, we aren’t going to waste even another keystroke commenting on it.

A far more intriguing development transpired at the hearing, however.  That development was the troopers’ attorney, Floyd Falcon, making the assertion that LSP Col. Kevin Reeves had violated an order of sequestration prohibiting witnesses discussing their testimony or watching or reading media coverage of the hearing.  He therefore moved for Reeves’ “testimony to be stricken in its totality.”  Let’s see how that played out:


Falcon moves for Reeves’ testimony to be stricken from the record in its entirety, and referee Lenore Feeney is forced to rule on his motion.


Perhaps Falcon felt the need to make the motion because most observers felt Reeves had a fairly authoritative presentation and, just as Falcon did not mince his words in placing the blame for any LSP embarrassment on former LSP Col. Mike Edmonson, Reeves presented his arguments that individual troopers are expected to adhere to a much higher standard than that which was exhibited by the three troopers entailing the side trip, including Reeves’ repeated statements that “common sense” should have dictated that the “Las Vegas vacation side trip” not be taken.  Here is a video clip of highlights of Reeves’ testimony:

Highlights of LSP Col. Kevin Reeves’ testimony before the LSPC on Friday, July 13, 2018.  CLICK HERE for Reeves’ testimony in its entirety (less the Falcon motion above).

The hearing is expected to conclude on Monday, and we’ll provide our subscribers with the same detailed daily coverage as we’ve done for the hearing’s prior three days.

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LSP Major David McClendon admits that, if former LSP Col. Mike Edmonson approved Las Vegas side trip, his disciplinary action of docking troopers’ compensated time “would have to be revisited.”


Louisiana State Police Major David McClendon, who was tasked with investigating the troopers having taken a side trip to Las Vegas while traveling to a convention in San Diego in October of 2016.

In a stunning revelation, and likely one to have a profound impact on the final outcome of the ongoing appeal hearings of LSP troopers Derrell Williams, Thruman Miller, and Rodney Hyatt, LSP Major David McClendon, who was tasked with investigating the troopers’ Las Vegas side trip for a San Diego convention in October of 2016, bluntly stated that, if former LSP Col. Mike Edmonson approved the side trip, his disciplinary decision to dock each trooper’s compensated time “would have to be revisited.” Let’s take a look at what he said:

McClendon admits that, if Edmonson approved the side trip, his decision to dock compensated hours “would have to be revisited.”

Being blunt, though the mainstream media, which had zero presence at today’s hearing, is all geared up for the “big show” of Edmonson testifying tomorrow, we firmly believe the matter was settled with the preceding video.  Why?  Because Edmonson can do one of two things.  He can admit he approved the trip, thus making McClendon’s candid admission above a slam-dunk victory for the three troopers.  Alternatively, Edmonson can decline to testify and plead the Fifth Amendment to the U. S. Constitution.  If he does that, the troopers’ attorney, Floyd Falcon, has already demonstrated beyond any shadow of a doubt that Edmonson did in fact authorize the side trip and, according to testimony, openly encouraged it (see video below).

So, while everyone is all geared up for the “big show” tomorrow, we believe the “big show” transpired in the two minute video clip above.  Nevertheless, here are video highlights of McClendon’s direct examination today by LSP attorney Michele Giroir and cross examination by the troopers’ defense attorney, Floyd Falcon:

McClendon’s direct examination by Giroir.

McClendon’s cross examination by Falcon.

We’ll certainly join the “big guys” (i.e. mainstream media) tomorrow, but we firmly believe the matter is now anti-climatic for the reason stated above.

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LSP Troopers’ defense attorney Floyd Falcon: “You can’t pay attention to what Mike Edmonson says…..He brought embarrassment to LSP by sending four people on a trip thousands of miles so he could have a Ford Expedition at his beck and call and a driver in San Diego.”


Former LSP Col. Mike Edmonson

Opening arguments transpired today in the Louisiana State Police Commission (LSPC) hearing entailing the appeals of three LSP troopers:  Rodney Hyatt, Derrell Williams, and Thurman Miller (a/k/a the “Vegas Crew”).

Representing LSP was attorney Michele Giroir, who spent a mere two-plus minutes emphasizing that the troopers “abused a privilege” by accumulating exorbitant expenses and that, if every state employee conducted themselves in such a manner, the much-hyped “fiscal cliff” would “quickly become a Grand Canyon.”

In sharp contrast to the brief opening arguments of Giroir, the troopers’ defense attorney, Floyd Falcon, who is being paid with funds approved by the Louisiana State Trooper’s Association, didn’t mince his words entailing who is to blame for any and all “embarrassment to LSP:”  Former Col. Mike Edmonson.  Here’s a video highlight of Falcon’s opening arguments:


Highlights of attorney Floyd Falcon’s opening arguments in administrative hearing of LSP Troopers Hyatt, Williams, and Miller.  CLICK HERE for Falcon’s opening arguments in their entirety.

Today was the first day of the hearing, and it is expected to continue through Tuesday of next week (July 17, 2018).  Sound Off Louisiana will provide continued coverage as the hearing continues.

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