LSP Troopers’ defense attorney Floyd Falcon: “You can’t pay attention to what Mike Edmonson says…..He brought embarrassment to LSP by sending four people on a trip thousands of miles so he could have a Ford Expedition at his beck and call and a driver in San Diego.”


Former LSP Col. Mike Edmonson

Opening arguments transpired today in the Louisiana State Police Commission (LSPC) hearing entailing the appeals of three LSP troopers:  Rodney Hyatt, Derrell Williams, and Thurman Miller (a/k/a the “Vegas Crew”).

Representing LSP was attorney Michele Giroir, who spent a mere two-plus minutes emphasizing that the troopers “abused a privilege” by accumulating exorbitant expenses and that, if every state employee conducted themselves in such a manner, the much-hyped “fiscal cliff” would “quickly become a Grand Canyon.”

In sharp contrast to the brief opening arguments of Giroir, the troopers’ defense attorney, Floyd Falcon, who is being paid with funds approved by the Louisiana State Trooper’s Association, didn’t mince his words entailing who is to blame for any and all “embarrassment to LSP:”  Former Col. Mike Edmonson.  Here’s a video highlight of Falcon’s opening arguments:


Highlights of attorney Floyd Falcon’s opening arguments in administrative hearing of LSP Troopers Hyatt, Williams, and Miller.  CLICK HERE for Falcon’s opening arguments in their entirety.

Today was the first day of the hearing, and it is expected to continue through Tuesday of next week (July 17, 2018).  Sound Off Louisiana will provide continued coverage as the hearing continues.

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