As State Police Commission considers placing Trooper Jacob Brown on leave without pay, academy records complete with adjectives like “toxic” are pure manna from Heaven for Aaron Bowman’s attorneys.

Jacob Brown, son of former LSP Chief of Staff under former Col. Kevin Reeves, Robert Brown, was recommended for “consideration of termination” while serving as a Cadet in the LSP Academy in 2015.

On December 10, 2020, one of our most steady and relaible sources within Louisiana State Police (LSP) advised us that we would be intrigued by what all we’d see if we made a public records request for LSP Trooper Jacob Brown’s academy records.

We immediately made the request and, on January 27, 2021, LSP attorney Faye Morrison informed us that the requested records were ready for review.  The next day, January 28, 2021, we showed up at LSP offices and commenced to scan all 184 pages of Brown’s LSP Academy records.

Our source certainly was right about what all we uncovered in the records.  Briefly, in addition to challenges regarding basic writing and grammar skills, Brown repeatedly violated a ban on contraband during his tenure as a Cadet; furthermore, he repeatedly lied to his superiors regarding his possession of contraband.  The end result of that was this two-page memo dated March 6, 2015 by Sergeant Len Marie which recommended that Brown be “considered for termination.”  From the memo:


We provided the memo to WBRZ’s (Channel 2 in Baton Rouge) Investigative Reporter Chris Nakamoto on Friday, February 5, 2021.  Nakamoto also subsequently obtained the same memo from his own sources and contacted us to confirm that it was an official document released to us by LSP as part of our public records request.  Once he had that confirmation from us, he was off to the proverbial races!  Let’s take just a few minutes to view video news features of Nakamoto’s original feature of December 11, 2020 as well as a feature broadcast on yesterday’s (February 9, 2021) 6 p.m. newscast:

WBRZ (Channel 2 in Baton Rouge)’s Chris Nakamoto’s original feature of December 11, 2020 on Jacob Brown and his  2/9/21 feature.

Now, as is apparent in the feature above, Nakamoto references and interviews several attorneys representing one of Brown’s alleged victims, Aaron Bowman, entailing Brown’s alleged use of excessive force.  That incident transpired on May 30, 2019, or about 20 days after the Ronald Greene incident.  Let’s briefly dissect what all has transpired in that litigation.

  1.  The original suit had a plethora of problems entailing improper agent for service of process, improper locations and descriptions of state agencies, etc.  The suit, originally filed on September 21, 2020 in Fourth JDC in State Court in Monroe, also focused heavily on establishing that prescription had not transpired since the suit was not filed until well over a year after the incident.
  2. The suit was subsequently moved to Federal Court in Monroe as requested by LSP.
  3. Quite a few more attorneys, many of whom are interviewed by Nakamoto in the above features, were enrolled as counsel representing Bowman.
  4. Magistrate Judge Karen Hayes (the same one overseeing the Greene suit) provided plaintiff until January 15, 2021 to amend the suit to correct the obvious problems referenced in # 1 above.
  5. On January 15, 2021, Bowman filed this amendment as well as this amendment.
  6. One day prior to the above amendments, on January 14, 2021,  Bowman filed this motion indicating that all claims giving rise to Federal jurisdiction were being dropped and therefore asserting that Federal Court no longer has subject matter jurisdiction, and that the matter should therefore be remanded back to State District Court.
  7. On January 15, 2021, Magistrate Judge Hayes established the parameters for the Remand Motion.
  8. On February 4, 2021, the University of Louisiana System filed opposition to the matter being remanded back to State Court, and other defendants, such as the Monroe Police Department and City of Monroe, the next day, February 5, 2021, filed opposition which merely piggybacked off of the U of L filing.

Meanwhile, the Louisiana State Police Commission (LSPC) has slated on its agenda for tomorrow (February 11, 2021) the placement of Brown on Leave Without Pay (LWOP as it’s known).  We’ll certainly be there to videotape the Commission’s deliberation of same and any comments made pertaining to the request.

No matter what transpires at tomorrow’s LSPC meeting entailing Brown, however, what’s undeniable is the fact that a memo such as Sergeant Marie drafted on March 6, 2015 is nothing short of pure gold for Bowman’s attorneys!  Further, it is truly sad that so many members of LSP’s upper brass would expose taxpayers to massive liability and individual citizens to such unbelievably inappropriate treatment.

Perhaps one individual whom we hold in very high regard summed it up best when he stated:  “If you haven’t figured this out, LSP upper brass saw to it their sons were hired because otherwise they’d end up having to be right back in their parents’ home with those parents providing their support.”

In concluding this feature, let’s give a very brief update to our Ronald Greene feature entailing adding the late-LSP Trooper Chris Hollingsworth’s wife, Darby, to the litigation.  Here are bullet points of the latest developments in that matter:

  1.  Former Col. Kevin Reeves has been dismissed from the litigation.  As subscribers may recall, the Court granted the “access to Court” argument advanced by LSP (i.e. that nothing any defendants did denied Greene the right to pursue action in court), and as pointed out by Magistrate Judge Hayes, she’d previously dismissed that claim against ALL defendants.  Since that was the only claim against Reeves, his own Motion to Dismiss became moot.  Reeves was not awarded attorney fees.
  2. The Motion to Substitute Darby Hollingsworth for her deceased husband and former LSP Trooper, Chris Hollingsworth, was denied; however, the Judge stipulated that Greene’s attorney could take leave of court to depose Darby Hollingsworth for purposes of obtaining knowledge of who Chris Hollingsworth’s heirs are and also provided Greene’s attorneys until March 17, 2021 to file another Substitution Motion naming those heirs (be it Darby or otherwise).
  3. Kory York (as well as other LSP Troopers) filed notice that he intends to appeal to the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals the Federal Court’s ruling failing to grant his Motion to Dismiss him from Greene’s litigation.

As anyone can plainly see, taxpayers incur massive legal fees for the kind of renegade behavior that seems to be so prevalent among LSP Troopers, particularly a subset in Monroe, which just so happens to be the very Troop from which former Col. Reeves emerged as leader to assume his utterly disastrous reign as Colonel of Louisiana State Police.

Again, we’ll let our subscribers know of the LSPC’s decision on Jacob Brown’s application for LWOP later this week after we’ve attended tomorrow’s LSPC meeting.

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