Attorney General candidate Ike Jackson Sounds Off on incumbent AG James D. “Buddy” Caldwell.









Ike Jackson, candidate for Louisiana Attorney General


Even after qualifying for the election, Advocate reporter Mark Ballard refused to acknowledge his candidacy, and even though Ballard would state that the AG race is an “all GOP field,” Ike Jackson recently Sounded Off on incumbent James D. “Buddy” Caldwell (especially beginning at the 9:00 mark) in the following video:

09/22/15:  Ike Jackson Sounds Off on Attorney General James D. “Buddy” Caldwell (especially beginning at the 9:00 mark).

We at Sound Off Louisiana believe that the news media have a responsibility to AT LEAST report on ALL candidates who qualify for an election.  Hence, we provide the above video and also provide Ike Jackson’s website for learning more if anyone would like to do so.  Mr. Jackson is the ONLY candidate whom Mark Ballard at The Advocate has, for whatever reason, declined to acknowledge.


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