Did stern opposition to HB-458 and HB-470 cause proponents to raise the red flag of surrender?

Senate Commerce Committee agenda posted outside of the Committee room on Wednesday, May 17, 2023.

Ten days ago, we published this May 7, 2023 feature exposing the buffoonish presentations of HB-458 and HB-470 by Rep. Mary DuBuisson (R-Slidell).

We also readily exposed the fact that State Rep. Richard Nelson (R-Mandeville), who aspires to be Louisiana’s next Governor, got swept right into the obvious blackmail attempts of a “bone of deregulation” (reducing required hours of schooling to obtain a cosmetology license from 1,500 to 1,200) in exchange for a massive 60 percent increase on in-state cosmetology license fees.

That massive increase (in the form of HB-458), if passed, is anticipated to generate over $500,000 a year for the Cosmetology Board to continue and even increase its extensively well-documented anti-small-business practices.

On May 8, 2023, (the day after publication), we updated the feature with this paragraph in bold at the top:

UPDATE:  Monday, May 8, 2023 @ 8:00 p.m.

It appears that The Senate Commerce Committee Agenda for Wednesday, 5/10/23 actually won’t reflect deliberations of either HB-458 or HB-470.  Maybe, as the old saying goes, “the heat got too hot in the kitchen.”  If so, get ready for the butane tank to get cranked up a bunch more as more time passes!!

Today, we make note of the feature image for this post above as, we firmly believe, providing the equivalent of 1,000 words applicable for this feature.

We did contact the Senate Commerce Committee’s staff to see if any explanation for the sudden cancellation may apply.  We were told, “We’re sorry, but our instructions were to place notice of the cancellation and no further details were provided.”

Accordingly, we can only ask, “does anyone hear the sound of a butane tank being cranked up to full blast?”

Just in case the bills’ proponents have a major masochistic propensity, we’ll certainly be there if they reschedule the crawfish boil bill presentation on Wednesday, May 24!


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