Former ATC Commissioner Painter describes bizarre scenes to include “two men and one woman in a mechanical closet for an hour and a half on state time,” a mysterious damning email on him sent to Gov. Jindal and legislators, and being “shaken down” in days leading up to his termination.

Former Alcohol and Tobacco Control Commission (ATC) Commissioner Murphy Painter, whom former Gov. Bobby Jindal terminated on Friday, August 13, 2010.

On February 6, 2022, we presented installment one of our fascinating series of interviews with former Alcohol and Tobacco Control (ATC) Commissioner Murphy Painter.  We believe the headline above says all we need to say for a lead-in for installment two of that series, so here it is:

Installment two of Sound Off Louisiana’s series of interviews with former ATC Commissioner Murphy Painter.

In you found this installment as fascinating as we did, just wait for installment three, in which Painter begins to unload on Louisiana Inspector General Stephen Street and his crew.  We’ll warn everyone to get ready to fasten their seatbelts for that ride, folks!

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