Murphy Painter, accompanied by his mother holding his right arm, emerges from Federal Court in Baton Rouge, Louisiana victorious via total acquittal on all charges against him on December 20, 2013.
In this sixth installment of our fascinating series of interviews with Murphy Painter, former Alcohol and Tobacco Control Commissioner under three governors (Mike Foster, Kathleen Blanco, and Bobby Jindal), Painter places a bright spotlight on the actual trial he faced in December of 2013 and illuminates what he alleges (with the strong evidence to back up his allegation) was an absolute farce of a trail based on fabricated “evidence” created by former investigators at the Louisiana Office of Inspector General Stephen Street’s office:
Installment 6 of Sound Off Louisiana’s in-depth interviews with former Louisiana Alcohol and Tobacco Control Commissioner Murphy Painter.
It was the complete farce that Burns witnessed at this Federal trial which largely provided the impetus and motivation for Burns to form the blog Sound Off Louisiana.
We’re certainly very sorry that Mr. Painter had to endure the travesty that was an absolute mockery of our justice system for him to have ever even faced the totally-politically-motivated charges the way he did. Nevertheless, to the extent that Sound Off Louisiana has been able to shed light on the frustrations of so many Louisiana citizens entailing state and local governmental operations and their associated corruption that is beyond almost anyone’s capacity to comprehend, hopefully at least some good may have come about from his incredible ordeal!
We look forward to delivering Episode 7 in the near future.
Previous Segments of Our Interviews with Murphy Painter:
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