Belinda Parker-Brown, appearing on NOATV in New Orleans with host Andrew Rhodes, lambasts the Louisiana State Police Commission as she covers the in-custody death of Ronald Greene on Wednesday, June 9, 2021.
Yesterday (June 9, 2021) was the busiest news day for Louisiana State Police in the six years we’ve actively followed the agency upon formation of this blog. Let’s itemize all the features which came out yesterday and provide a few added bread crumbs of our own:
1. Troopers Dakota DeMoss and George Harper were terminated effective Friday, June 4, 2021.
2. Mike Noel, Gov. Edwards’ hand-picked Gaming Control Board Chairman and former Chief of Staff under former LSP Col. Kevin Reeves, abruptly resigned mere hours before facing a Louisiana Senate confirmation hearing.
We’re going to elaborate some on this one. The night before the confirmation hearing, which was scheduled for 9:00 a.m. yesterday (Wednesday, June 9, 2021), we received multiple requests for any evidence we had that former Lt. Col. Noel’s phone had been sanitized prior to his departure. We complied with the request shortly before 9 p.m. on Tuesday, June 8, 2021 by providing the requesting parties with this January 5, 2021 email from LSP Legal Counsel Faye Morrison in which she clearly states in writing that the phone was sanitized. From that email:
LTC Noel turned in his phone when he left LSP and at that time his phone was sanitized pursuant to policy.
Let’s just say the requesting parties were stunned beyond words that LSP (via its legal counsel) readily confirmed that Noel’s phone was “sanitized” as he departed for the Gaming Control Board. We were informed Gov. Edwards became actively involved late on the evening of Tuesday, June 8, 2021 immediately after we provided the above email to the requesting parties. The next thing we heard (via another media outlet) was that Gov. Edwards’ office indicated that Noel opted to resign rather than face what had been described as an intense grilling over the Ronald Greene incident and any role he may have played in the coverup of same.
Also, while we cannot substantiate this assertion made to us, we have been told that former LSP Col. Kevin Reeves’ LSP-issued phone was also allegedly sanitized around June of 2020 during the same timeframe that Noel’s phone was sanitized. That sanitizing was allegedly performed notwithstanding that, unlike Noel who departed at the time of the sanitizing, Reeves hung around for another three or four months.
Also, we’ve been told by one source that there is no such “LSP policy” on phone sanitization. We were perplexed at the revelation that there was because the contents of that phone constitute public record. Hence, if they can be sanitized so readily, it would seem LSP has carte blanche authority to destroy public records at its whim.
Lastly, we want to point out the irony of LSP sanitizing a phone that may have contained damning material. Long-time Sound Off Louisiana subscribers will recall that it was none other than LSP who managed to recover damning text messages between former ATC agent Brette Tingle and his wife (also an ATC staffer).
Those texts included such racially charged slurs as, “I hate fuc—- nig—-,” and, “white babies are losing weight while little nigglets are eating stolen food.”
Tingle, who filed a Federal lawsuit against the Louisiana Alcohol and Tobacco Commission (ATC) seeking over $2 million for “wrongful termination” got humiliated out of Federal Court when the jury hearing his civil case took just over an hour to award him absolutely nothing.
LSP’s technology crew was key in tanking Tingle’s civil case, and LSP witness testimony proved extremely effective regarding Tingle’s low-tech attempts to “sanitize” his phone, which was comprised of his mere deleting of the damning texts. LSP had little difficulty recovering those damning texts. Hence, it would be truly ironic if any damning texts applicable for Reeves and/or Noel were conveniently “sanitized” right out of existence.
3. An LSP Panel investigating the Ronald Greene arrest has expanded its investigation into other traffic stops within the Troop F coverage area.
4. (New revelation by Sound Off Louisiana). LSP’s numerous problems notwithstanding, apparently the New Orleans Police Department still would like LSP’s help as we’re told LSP will participate in a detail in New Orleans from June 1, 2021 through August 31, 2021 in what is described as, “high-visibility, proactive patrols in areas known to be plagued with criminal activity.”
5. (New revelation by Sound Off Louisiana). Several LSP sources have informed us that LSP’s upper brass is not pleased at all with the upcoming release of a book entitled, “Nigger with a badge.” We have already pre-ordered a copy. Sources tell us that LSP is suspicious that an active trooper wrote the book and that LSP is “going after him” as a result. We’ll certainly report on the book’s contents upon our own reading of it.
6. (New feature by Sound Off Louisiana). Belinda Parker-Brown had every intention of having a “caravan” of folk to address today’s meeting of the Louisiana State Police Commission (LSPC). Late Tuesday night, however, she uncovered the fact that the meeting had been canceled. To say that Parker-Brown was not happy would be a huge understatement! In fact, she showed up at a New Orleans television station to vent her frustration at the LSPC as she covered the Ronald Green LSP in-custody death, and we attended the studio filming of her interview, which we present at this time:
Belinda Parker-Brown appears on NOATV in New Orleans to be interviewed by Reality Check’s Andrew Rhodes. Brown vents her frustration at the LSPC as she discusses the LSP in-custody death of Ronald Greene.
Well, that about catches up all that we’re aware of at LSP, and we think everyone will agree that’s quite a bit of material to digest.
We will point out, however, that Parker-Brown, along with retired 30-year Los Angeles Police Sergeant Randy Franklin, along with Sound Off Louisiana‘s Robert Burns were the invited guests for a live feature hosted by an out-of-state broadcaster on Monday, June 7, 2021. We’ll have our own feature on that broadcast out on either Monday, June 14, 2021 or Tuesday, June 15, 2021, and we think you’ll find it very, very informative and worth the watch!
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Always extremely informative and to the point!
Why are secret panels Investigating the LSP, it should be done by the CIA, FBI or some other Agency outside of Louisiana, you can’t allow the same foxes to Guard, investigate, look into what the foxes are doing to the chickens, in other words the police cannot police themselves!
Used to, Grand Juries made up of taxpaying, voting citizens accomplished this job.