As JBE is lavishly praised for his push to abolish occupational licensure requirements, Auction Board appointee Jacob Brown exposes how embarrassed he may be in 2019 if he doesn’t let that board sunset as scheduled this year.

Louisiana Gov. John Bel Edwards

Viewers will recall our recent post entailing the embarrassment Jacob Brown became to Gov. Edwards.  In today’s Sound Off Louisiana feature, founder Robert Burns openly praises Gov. Edwards for his resolve to remove occupation licensing requirements for four vocations.  Having made public records request and having received the documents from the Louisiana Auctioneer Licensing Board (LALB), Burns now expands Brown’s specific complaints and the embarassment he has become to Gov. Edwards.  Burns also warns Edwards to expect more embarrassments as 2019 gets closer if he opts not to allow the LALB to sunset as scheduled in 2018.  The video feature follows:

Burns covers Brown’s extensive complaints and the historical lack of consumer protection of the LALB.
(Including beginning at the 21:30 mark, where they declined to raise the puny $10,000 bond coverage).











Document support or article links for support:


Crisp’s Advocate article wherein Burns praised Gov. Edwards in the comments section (only comment made).

Individual complaint files in their entireties:

Ernie Pickett IV     Jason Ables     William Becham      Transcan Motorsports Group

LALB covering up hundreds of thousands of losses entailing previous LALB chairman Tessa Steikamp and New Orleans Auction Galleries.

LAPA webpage outlining auctioneers with “issues” (including Sound Off Louisiana‘s Robert Burns for having reported LALB Executive Director Sandy Edmonds’ “blatant payroll fraud.”)

LALB Hearing for 83-year-old widow Betty Story on September 10, 2013.  LALB does NOTHING (zero, zilch, nada) to protect Ms. Story despite what you see depicted on that video.  If the LALB is not going to protect an 83-year-old widow, who are they going to protect?

November 3, 2012 video of Sound Off Louisiana founder Robert Burns declaring the LALB to be a “Mafia-like entity” and throwing his auction license directly into the camera and bidding the auction industry in Louisiana (with all its mass corruption) a fond farewell.

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One thought on “As JBE is lavishly praised for his push to abolish occupational licensure requirements, Auction Board appointee Jacob Brown exposes how embarrassed he may be in 2019 if he doesn’t let that board sunset as scheduled this year.”

  1. Watching that video and seeing all those complaints against a member of that board who must be the best they can find, I’m not going to an auction in this state. Governor Edwards out to be ashamed letting all this go on.

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