JBE on Sterling killing: “disturbing.” So, what’s his take on Louisiana’s only black auctioneer being asked four times, as a sitting member of the LALB during a meeting, “Are you carrying a weapon?”


Louisiana Gov. John Bel Edwards


In the following video, Sound Off Louisiana founder Robert Burns openly contrasts Louisiana Gov. John Bel Edwards’ characterization of Alton Sterling’s video as “disturbing” with repetitive video clips from past meetings readily depicting racial profiling and interrogation of Louisiana’s only black auctioneer, Rev. Freddie Lee Phillips, by Edwards’ appointees to the Louisiana Auctioneer Licensing Board (LALB) and Interior Design Board (IDB):



Composition of video clips clearly depicting historical instances of racial profiling and interrogation of Louisiana’s
only black auctioneer being conducted by appointees of Gov. John Bel Edwards (and their hired employees/contractors) to the LALB & IDB.

CLICK HERE for Sandy Edmonds’ email of 6/4/10

 CLICK HERE for Robert Burns cell phone itemization for 6/8/10

CLICK HERE for LALB Attorney Anna Dow’s 7/25/10 letter to
 then-LALB-Chairman Ken Comer.

CLICK HERE for 8/15/11 request by Phillips / Burns to add agenda item for discussion of why IDB hired EBRP Deputy Ronald Landry after Edmonds said it was due to their attendance at meetings.

CLICK HERE for IDB Chairman Deborah Steinmetz official
 response to the Burns / Phillips letter of 8/15/11.

 for 12/22/12 Advocate Article on racist roll cal depicted above.

 for IG Report of 2/20/13 pertaining to racist roll call.

CLICK HERE for 3/9/13 Advocate follow-up article after IG investigation.

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One thought on “JBE on Sterling killing: “disturbing.” So, what’s his take on Louisiana’s only black auctioneer being asked four times, as a sitting member of the LALB during a meeting, “Are you carrying a weapon?””

  1. These people are absolutely racists and terrible people. The governor needs to clear this board and start over. The executive director has created an atmosphere of disgrace. She needs to go.

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