Joelle Dubroc-Lamperez’s husband, Gil Lamperez, who previously was the husband of Dubroc’s neighbor living directly across the street, openly confronts SMP Sheriff Deputy Darren Countee with “attitude” (Countee’s word) on May 14, 2022. After inquiring of Countee if there is a, “f—k— problem,” Lamperez then demanded to know why Countee is there. Countee responded to an anonymous complaint of a “massive” number of rounds being discharged from an AK-47 assault rifle on or near the property. Ashton Palmisano, Dubroc’s son, is pictured to the right.
We believe that, by now, we’ve presented quite well that St. Martin Parish President Chester Cedars has been on nothing short of a full-blown “crusade” to “harass” Billy Broussard over his 33-acre property on Duchamp Road in Broussard, Louisiana. We’ll again reiterate that the words “crusade” and “harass” are those of Broussard’s former attorney, Michael Adley, and not our own words.
We’re going to make sure everyone obtains a very clear picture of the nature of the derelicts Cedars has chosen to assist him in carrying out his crusade. To that end, in our last feature, we provided Ms. Mendy Girouard (a/k/a “Mob Boss”) with her 7+ minutes of fame during which she made it crystal clear that SMPG Parish President Chester Cedars is calling the shots in leading and directing “complaints” to be filed against Billy Broussard entailing his 33-acre property on Duchamp Road.
Girouard got her 7+ minutes of fame on May 5, 2022, which was a mere three (3) days after Cedars got this resounding court victory over Broussard in getting a Temporary Restraining Order converted to a Preliminary Injunction.
Nine days after Girouard got her time in the limelight, on May 14, 2022, Cedars confidant Joelle Dubroc-Lamperez and her friends and family got the spotlight when SMP Sheriff Deputy Darren Countee was called out to the residence of Blake Dubroc, Joelle’s father (and who is a “star witness” Cedars has identified to testify against Broussard and who is neighbors with Broussard’s property and in fact used to own Broussard’s property).
The call out of the SMP Sheriff’s Office was anonymous, but that didn’t stop Joelle Dubroc-Lamperez from having some very select words for the one whom she speculated made the call. The subject of Dubroc-Lamperez’s speculation and receipt of extremely profane language directed at her would be the lady who lives across the street from the Dubrocs, and Joelle is married to her former husband, Gil Lamperez. It was Lamperez who gave Countee “attitude” upon Countee’s initial arrival by asking, “is there a f—— problem?”
Anyone is welcome to view the Incident Report by clicking here. We hate to dignify the report as an “incident report” because it is obvious that SMP Sheriff visits to the Dubrocs are so frequent that SMP Sheriff Deputies obviously take a, “get in, get out, get on with your life” approach in dealing with callouts to the Dubrocs, and that fact is reflected in the “incident report.”
Let’s take a look at the video, but we give the admonition that Joelle Dubroc-Lamperez uses very offensive language in referencing Lamperez’s former wife who was outdoors on her porch during the SMP Sheriff visit. (NOTE: It is Sound Off Louisiana’s policy NOT to edit any portion of a law-enforcement body cam or dash cam video upon our initial publication of it, so we’ll guide everyone to advance to the 3:30 mark of the video to see the beginning of the encounter):
May 14, 2022 callout of the SMP Sheriff’s Office to the residence of Blake Dubroc as a result of an anonymous call out for repeated firing of an AK-47 assault rifle on or near the property. WARNING: Offensive language by Joelle Dubroc-Lamperez. NOTE: Advance to the 3:30 mark to begin the encounter between the Sheriff Deputy and the Dubroc clan.
We’re gong to say very little about the above video because it speaks for itself in terms of the caliber of individuals with whom Cedars has aligned himself in his relentless pursuit of Broussard.
Finally, the young man dressed wearing the red cap is none other than Evan Mautrin, who is an employee of Blake Dubroc. SMPG President Chester Cedars also listed him as yet another “star witness” Cedars wanted testifying against Broussard.
Mautrin was subpoenaed by Cedars for the court hearing on May 2, 2022 (as a witness called by SMPG); however, neither he nor LSP Trooper Scott Lopez (also subpoenaed by Cedars) were ever called upon for testimony for that 6-1/2 hour hearing because both sides appeared to save firepower (if SMPG has any legitimate “firepower” rather than pure unadulterated Cedars-manufactured horse manure) for the Permanent Injunction hearing when it transpires at a later date. Broussard has full control entailing when, and even if, that hearing transpires, and he appears to be in no particular hurry to us.
SMPG Attorney Lee Durio has stated that the Parish has no intention of calling any witnesses at the Permanent Injunction hearing (gee, we wonder why????); however, Durio needs to realize that both sides have the prerogative to call witnesses, and Broussard has made it abundantly clear that all of these previously-labeled “star witnesses” of SMPG will most certainly be called to testify (by him)!
In wrapping up our commentary on the above utterly disgusting video, we’ll point out two quick points.
First, we’ve stated repeatedly that we have refrained from publishing the full SMPG Planning and Zoning Commission meeting of January 6, 2022 because, “an episode of Jerry Springer would be step up from the characters and conduct present at that meeting.” The above video illustrates our point perfectly!
Second, we’ve praised Sheriff Becket Breaux’s commitment regarding deputies keeping body cameras on from the beginning of an encounter through the end of that encounter with members of the public while acting in official capacities. With that said, we do feel compelled to point out that retired law enforcement officers with whom we consulted regarding the video above did criticize Deputy Countee’s handling of the matter.
Specifically, they’ve said that his “investigation” of the matter (as reflected by the above “incident report”) was grossly inadequate. They focus in on the fact that Dubroc should have been required to take him to the exact location where the AK-47 firearm was being discharged.
They further indicated to us that he should have examined the number of spent rounds which may be present (reports were that the four individuals fired off a “massive” number of rounds prior to the arrival of Countee) at the location where the firearm was discharged. They also indicated that, given the obvious potential for alcohol to have been consumed, Countee should have issued a stern warning that, “firearms and alcohol don’t mix.”
In general, however, it certainly appears to us that Countee is more pre-occupied with being “cool” and “fitting in with the crowd” than genuinely writing up and processing the matter. We sort of doubt that Sheriff Breaux would want to tout this particular body-cam video as one in which he takes much pride or as being representative of his deputies’ handling of matters similar to this one.
Now, we want to make sure everyone gets a firm grasp of just how patently absurd Cedars’ directing the filing of these outlandish “complaints” against Broussard is. To do that, let’s illustrate yet another SMP Sheriff callout. This one transpired on March 4, 2022, which was a mere two days after the Cedars-led dog-and-pony full SMPG Council’s “consideration” of Broussard’s variance.
What we want to draw attention to is just how much Blake Dubroc knows in the following video (specifically, that SMPG has issued another Temporary Restraining Order, and that, “the judge should sign in by Monday.”) Who could have provided him with such detailed information? That would have to be none other than SMPG President Chester Cedars! Let us first provide that Incident Report of March 4, 2022. We’ll even replicate the narrative of the report at this time:
Now, the Deputy featured in this video is none other than Baily Romero. He is the same Deputy who played a key role in Broussard’s arrest by both inappropriately asking very leading questions of Benjamin Lopez, son of LSP Trooper Scott Lopez, and by refusing to accept the fact that 16th JDC Judge Lewis Pitman declined to sign his arrest warrant application (and we believe for good reason) for Broussard. As a result of Pitman declining to sign the arrest warrant application, Romero pulled that arrest warrant application from Judge Pitman (16th JDC Senior Judge, we’re told) and proceeded to submit that arrest warrant application to Judge deMahy.
It was deMahy who, for whatever reason that only she can provide, signed the arrest warrant application. That action by deMahy, in turn, led directly to Broussard’s ultimate arrest based upon what appears to us to be collaboration between two law-enforcement officers (Deputy Romero and LSP Trooper Scott Lopez) to effectuate a baseless, groundless, and harassing arrest warrant based on no substance whatsoever.
There’s simply no other way to phrase it, and we feel certain that 16th Judicial District Attorney Bo Duhe’ easily recognized the whole episode as a complete and total sham and therefore quickly dismissed the matter from his office. No matter how any objective observer looks at that episode, it constitutes (or certainly should constitute) a major source of embarrassment for Judge deMahy!
Okay, with all of that disclosure out of the way, let’s provide that video at this time:
March 4, 2022 callout of SMP Sheriff Deputy Baily Romero in response to a complaint by Blake Dubroc (Joelle Dubroc-Lamperez’s father) that Broussard is about to be served with yet another Temporary Restraining Order, “to where he can’t even go on his own property.”
If anyone needs any further proof that Cedars is orchestrating all of these irresponsible attacks against Broussard, merely reference the 4:10 – 4:17 mark on the above video in which Dubroc states: “Chester Cedars got a lawsuit against him and they fixing to serve him Monday morning with a restraining order since he don’t listen. They going to have a restraining order where he can’t even go on his own property…..This is all going to happen Monday morning, but until then, they can give citations and that will lead up to his arrest.”
Notice how Dubroc also knew already that the Preliminary Injunction would be scheduled for “two months from now,” and he was correct! How would he know ANY of that were it not for being informed of it by SMPG Parish President Chester Cedars? Heck, at the 6:04 mark of the above video, Dubroc states, “You can check with him (Cedars) and verify everything I’m saying.”
We can only assume that Cedars never bothered with mentioning to Dubroc that Broussard had the full blessing of Chester Cedars to dump from September 14, 2021 through the serving of that second restraining order upon Broussard.
Nah, Cedars wouldn’t want to mention the fact that he had to agree to that stipulation to essentially buy time to keep from getting his head handed to him on a platter by Michael Adley at the originally-scheduled Preliminary Injunction hearing back on September 14, 2021. Commencing on that day, Cedars began conducting his behind-the-scenes smear campaign on Broussard that we’ve covered and exposed in raw naked form and in great detail over the last two months. It’s pretty despicable when one considers the sheer manhours of the SMP Sheriff being wasted on a personal vendetta on the part of Cedars! We think it provides the best insight imaginable of the true character and ethics of SMPG Parish President Chester Cedars!
At any rate, what has been made abundantly clear is that the collective group of Cedars and all of his cohorts were bound and determined to find some sort of way to get Broussard arrested and, on May 9, 2022, by deploying LSP Trooper Scott Lopez and, more particularly, exploiting his son, Benjamin Cole Lopez, they finally accomplished their long-term goal as patently absurd as that arrest was!
Dubroc’s version (i.e. “can’t go on his own property, and we can get him ‘arrested’ if he does,”) seems eerily similar to that uttered by Mendy Girouard, no? Consequently, it would appear Cedars is grossly misstating to these constituents just what the legal restrictions are on Broussard in order to accomplish his goal of egging them on into filing the false, frivolous, and defamatory (in the case of Girouard, at least) “complaints” so that Cedars can beef up his “nuisance file” in his efforts to prevail at the Permanent Injunction court hearing.
Speaking of that “nuisance file,” we decided that, since Cedars is going to such great lengths to fill up that “nuisance file” with material, we decided to make a public records request to examine Broussard’s “nuisance file.” On August 30, 2022, Parish Attorney Allan Durand provided us with this letter indicating the Parish “does not have a nuisance file” on Billy Broussard! Can anyone believe that? That any SMPG official would actually even say something so patently absurd as that, much less reduce it to writing, is incomprehensible! Let’s highlight Durand’s exact wording to us from the linked letter at this time:
REQUEST 2: We don’t have a “nuisance file” on Mr. Broussard. The SMPG files on Mr. Broussard are those related to Planning & Zoning matters.
We responded back to Mr. Durand as follows:
I specifically direct your attention to the 11:14 – 11:28 mark of the following August 3, 2021 SMPG Council meeting video wherein St. Martin Parish President Chester Cedars not only states emphatically that, “here’s a copy of our file…..our nuisance file,” but he holds the file up for the SMPG Councilmembers to see and for my video camera to clearly detect as well (feel free to watch beyond that 14 seconds if you’d like):
I am not responsible for whatever filing system SMPG may have opted to deploy in order to tap-dance around my public records requests. Your filing system is your filing system, but you’re not going to arbitrarily alter it to state to me you don’t maintain a file which Parish President Chester Cedars clearly openly bragged on maintaining at that August 3, 2021 meeting and further did so with the full knowledge that a video camera was recording his words, his motions, and any and all props (e.g. “nuisance file”) he chose to deploy to drive his points home to the SMPG Councilmembers.
I want to take just a moment to again reiterate reference to a “nuisance file” being maintained on Mr. Broussard’s property. In this instance, the statement is made by Ms. Mendy Girouard on May 5, 2022.
She flatly purports to be quoting SMPG President Chester Cedars in saying, “He was going to file one copy of the injunction in his nuisance file and one copy with the Sheriff’s Department. That way you guys knew (sic).”
You may feel free to view Ms. Girouard in all her glory from the 2:10 – 2:16 mark of this video,, making it clear (again allegedly quoting Mr. Cedars) that he is in fact maintaining a “nuisance file.”
We’ve decided to make it really simple for our subscribers and site visitors to see the two above-referenced video clips touting the existence of a “nuisance file” being maintained by Parish President Chester Cedars by combining the two clips into a single video file. Here is that 32-second video:
32-second video of combined clips of SMPG President Chester Cedars touting his “nuisance file” on Billy Broussard on August 3, 2021 along with Ms. Mendy “Mob Boss” Girouard indicating on May 5, 2022 that Cedars wanted specific documentation added to that file, which, according to a letter from Allan “Sprinky” Durand dated August 30, 2022 doesn’t even exist notwithstanding Cedars himself holding it up in front of the camera on August 3, 2021 as illustrated above!
We have let Mr. Durand know that, in making our public records request for the “nuisance file,” we’re providing SMPG Parish President Chester Cedars with the opportunity to, “show us what you got!”
We made it clear that we want them to provide us with every shred of documentation that they have in their possession by which they believe they can classify Mr. Broussard’s property as a nuisance (which is precisely what they’re asking Judge deMahy to do). We have made the promise to them that we will scan all of that documentation and provide a direct link in a feature in order for our membership and causal site visitors to see exactly what their full arsenal is comprised of.
We’re essentially trying to be kind to Cedars and the SMPG crew in providing them with an opportunity to back up their claim because, being blunt, so far, as we’ve gone to great lengths to expose, all we’ve seen is a complete and total vindictive “crusade” (Adley’s word) orchestrated by Cedars to “harass” (again, Adley’s word) Broussard. Again, those are the words of Broussard’s former attorney, Michael Adley. We’ll only state that, based upon all we’ve documented and presented to our subscribers and casual site visitors (to include this feature), it certainly appears that more true words may have never been uttered than those of Michael Adley when he made that assessment of Cedars and the St. Martin Parish Government!
In conclusion, let us state that we believe LSP Trooper Scott Lopez’s stated concerns at the January 6, 2022 SMPG Planning and Zoning Commission meeting regarding concerns that Mr. Broussard’s property may diminish the value of his own property (driven home hard by his son, Benjamin Cole) are misplaced. We can only speak for ourselves, but if we Googled “Duchamp Road” and saw the first video depicted on this feature, we’d tell our real estate agent, “Not no, but hell no! We’re not moving anywhere near a group of derelicts firing off AK-47 rifles on a whim who then give an SMP Sheriff Deputy “attitude” upon his arrival to investigate the matter. We’re taking a HARD pass on any property on Duchamp Road, but thank you for alerting us to the property’s availability on the market, where we think it will stay for a long time!”
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