African American Dantzler says he’s ready to challenge Edwards for Governor, but does he ponder Edwards topping his brother Daniel’s alleged $10,000 offer to drop out?

Oscar “Omar” Dantzler, Jr., who announced his intentions to challenge Gov. John Bel Edwards for Governor of Louisiana on Sunday, August 4, 2019.

UPDATE:  August 6, 2019 – Dr. Dantzler officially qualified for the race for Governor of Louisiana on the first day of qualifying (August 6, 2019).

The Hayride is the first and, to our knowledge, the only publication to break a feature on Oscar “Omar” Dantzler, Jr.’s stated intentions to qualify for Governor against incumbent Gov. John Bel Edwards.  Both Edwards and Dantzler hail from Tangipahoa Parish, and Dantzler has danced with another Edwards entailing a political campaign.  To be precise, Dantzler challenged incumbent Sheriff Daniel Edwards, Gov. Edwards’ brother, in the 2015 Tangipahoa Parish Sheriff election.

Before we briefly look at that election, however, let’s provide a video of Dantzler’s impassioned presentation before the Tangipahoa Parish School Board entailing one of its members having posted a noose to Facebook:

Dantzler gives impassioned presentation regarding a Tangipahoa Parish School Board Member’s posting of a noose to Facebook.

Daniel Edwards defeated Dantzler in the race for Tangipahoa Parish Sheriff, but what’s interesting is the fact that, in a Federal lawsuit filed by Dantzler, he avers that Daniel Edwards offered him $10,000 to drop out of the race.  Let’s hone in on those sections of the lawsuit:



Nothing is official until Dantzler actually files qualifying papers with the Louisiana Secretary of State’s Office by Thursday, August 8, 2019, but if he follows through and qualifies, we see him easily polling 7 – 10 percent of the vote (and that’s likely a very conservative estimate).  Poll numbers like that most certainly would earn Dantzler a seat at the table for any debates, and that’s when things could get really, really interesting entailing past dealings of Dantzler and the Edwards family in Tangipahoa Parish!

We have invited Dantzler to appear on Sound Off Louisiana for an interview.  So far, we’ve not heard back from him.

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