Ascension Parish Sheriff candidate C. J. Matthews as he outlines the tumultuous transition from Jeff Wiley as Sheriff to Bobby Webre as Sheriff.
It’s time for episode four (4) of our fascinating series with Ascension Parish Sheriff Candidate C. J. Matthews. The title of our feature says it all, so folks, here’s the video evidence to back it up.
August 15, 2023: Matthews explains the tumultuous transition from Sheriff Wiley to Sheriff Webre. As the late C. B. Forgotston was so fond of saying, “You can’t make this stuff up!”
As we indicated we would, we’re expanding the table to now include documents referenced in this video, which are all found on the last row of the updated table (i.e. the eighth row of documents). Here’s that updated table:
Also, we previously provided this link for an Advocate article by David Mitchell published on January 20, 2019, and we’re repeating it for this feature since, let’s just say, inquiries made prior to its publication just may have influenced Attorney General Jeff Landry’s Office’s decision to “rekindle” the investigation. Further, it may have influenced Webre’s wording in the letter to Landry’s Office (see page two of the last row of documents — i. e. the eighth row of documents in the above table).
Folks, nobody is going to want to miss segment five of this series wherein Matthews elaborates upon the efforts of the Attorney General’s Office as part of its “rekindled” investigation!
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