LSPC calls for sternly-worded letter to Ouachita School Board expressing outrage at retention of Sterlington High football coach Jack Goode.

Former Sterlington High School football coach Jack Goode, who now is a teacher at West Monroe High School.


UPDATE (8/16/18):

This feature was picked up by Lincoln Parish blogger Walter Abbot.  He, in turn, notified Ouachita Citizen reporter Zach Parker, who, in turn, published this extensive article on the subject.

In reading Parker’s article, it’s VERY obvious that three elected officials [the Ouachita Parish School Board President, Jerry Hicks, (see center seated gentleman for photo), Ouachita Parish Sheriff Jay Russell, and Fourth JDC District Attorney Robert Tew] are treating this as a (pun intended) political football which nobody wants to touch. 

Guess any efforts to keep all this hush-hush have failed and will likely provide valuable ammunition for any challengers to their offices in upcoming elections.



Sound Off Louisiana made the trip to Monroe, Louisiana on Thursday, August 9, 2018 for one specific purpose.  We desired to provide video coverage of an appeal hearing before the Louisiana State Police Commission (LSPC).


The appeal entailed LSP trooper Joseph Jones, who received a 40-hour suspension.  That suspension resulted from Jones’ conduct after encountering his son and others in April of 2017 in an environment wherein Sterlington High School football coach Jack Goode provided vodka to Jones’ son and other classmates.  Goode also assaulted Jones’ son after first declaring his son to be a “pussy” upon him throwing up as a result of his system’s inability to handle the vodka Goode provided.


We intentionally placed several small segments of the appeal hearing near the front of the video.  We did so because, in a first in the history of Sound Off Louisiana, we have been specifically asked to let the sentiments of the commissioners be known to as many news media outlets as possible.  They want their united front regarding expressing via letter outrage and disgust at the Ouachita Parish School Board entailing its decision to retain Goode in light of his actions.  We are happy to oblige, as we are equally appalled at the school board’s action.


The actual hearing was nearly three hours in length, but we have condensed it to under 37 minutes (and that includes a two-minute news feature which aired when the incident first transpired).  We made a decision to include in its entirety an approximate 14-minute segment entailing LSP Col. Kevin Reeves’ testimony before the LSPC because we believe his testimony provides useful insight both to troopers as well as to the general public.


With that, the following video highlights the hearing, and we encourage news outlets, especially those around Monroe, to air the LSPC’s sentiments and ask Ouachita Parish School Board officials by what logic Goode continues to be employed by that system:


Highlights of the appeal of LSP Trooper Joseph Jones.   CLICK HERE for the hearing in its entirety.

As everyone is likely aware by now, the LSPC also deliberated the fate of the “Vegas Four.”  That matter has already been covered very well by The Advocate’s Jim Mustian, so we will do nothing more than simply provide video coverage of that matter in its entirety for those who may wish to view it.


In our opinion, the action of the LSPC on that particular matter is moot because the attorney for the troopers, Floyd Falcon, went to great lengths to demonstrate that the troopers were never read their rights until long after the formal investigation had commenced.  In fact, Falcon even questioned Col. Reeves on the witness stand and asked, “If Col. Edmonson instructed McClendon (the Internal Affairs investigator) not to read them their rights, that would be a problem, right?” (see 15:13 – 15:33 segment of this video).  Also, Falcon demonstrated in pretty authoritative fashion that the investigation was not completed in a timely manner (60 days as required by policy).  Finally, many subscribers may also recall that Falcon accused LSP Col. Kevin Reeves of violating a sequestration order in a feature covered only by Sound Off Louisiana.


Falcon’s motion entailing Reeves at the “Vegas Four” hearing was clearly a maneuver taken to add further ammunition for an appeal, which, being blunt, we believe Falcon is going to have a fairly easy time prevailing on.  It will be up to Derrell Williams and Rodney Hyatt on whether they wish to pursue an appeal (Thurman Miller’s disciplinary letter of reprimand was overturned by the LSPC, so he won’t be appealing); however, we believe the smart money is on an appeal because of the matters just stated.


We asked Col. Reeves for comment on the ruling of the LSPC entailing the “Vegas Four,” which included overturning Miller’s letter of reprimand, reducing Hyatt’s demotion to a 500-hour suspension, and reducing Williams’ demotion to a 40-hour suspension.  In response, Col. Reeves provided the following statement:


“We disagree with the outcome but are certainly respectful of the State Police Commission’s appeal process and decision.   I appreciate the Commission’s work and the careful consideration they demonstrated throughout the process. I will be meeting with my senior staff and DPS Legal Affairs to determine how we move forward.”


We take the preceding statement by Reeves to indicate LSP may contemplate an appeal as well; however, we firmly believe an appeal is all but guaranteed on the parts of Hyatt and Williams.


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10 thoughts on “LSPC calls for sternly-worded letter to Ouachita School Board expressing outrage at retention of Sterlington High football coach Jack Goode.”

  1. This is the biggest crock of bull that I have read/heard in some time. People sure like to only tell the side of stories that makes them look justified or look as a victim. It’s a shame. Lost time reading and listening to this crap that I will never get back. A friggin joke.

    1. Goode was invited to tell his side of the story on the original news feature. He declined. He also failed to appear at the appeal hearing as you watched as you were “wasting so much of your time that you will never get back.” If Goode is so camera shy, I’d say that’s his problem! Do you challenge the fact the man was arrested, or do you feel this is all some “gang up on Goode” conspiracy?

    1. Well, that ALONE speaks volumes, does it not? You’re unbelievable! The guy is arrested and is let off with a $300 fine and an 894. He has a 20-year age differential, and you want to defend his tail!

      I attend LHSAA football championship games every year in the Supersome as a neutral observer (as I do each week of the season and playoffs). Should West Monroe make it to the Dome, I will have no qualms breaking with that tradition and pulling for WMHS to be crushed in any game in the Dome. If this is considered their idea of bringing integrity to its school, it is a TOTAL disgrace!!

  2. At this point I don’t want to get into Alitalia of details but I can tell you this. The story that you have heard is nothing like what really happened. Jack is a very good guy. He would not hurt anyone. It did not go down like it is being portrayed. I have 3 kids of my own and would never defend anyone that hurt a child. I just hate he is having to go through this because if you knew what really happened, you wouldn’t feel this way I’m sure. It’s a terrible situation for all involved.

    1. Sir, though I am not sure where you have gotten your information, i can only guess. My son, however, was there. He was the victim and I can and will testify it did happen the way it is written and reported. He was bruised and bloody and so hurt that someone he once respected caused him pain. I am also saying he may be a good man, but he did a terrible thing. You are allowed your opinion, but do not attempt to give facts you do not know. My child was a victim and Goode the “good guy” was the bad guy.

  3. There are 2 sides to each story and people make things up to cover themselves as in what has happened here. I have good information but also sorry if your child was hurt.

    1. There are two sides to every story. In this case, there are multiple witnesses that tell the same story. There are phone records that show the initial call. Like I said, you can have whatever opinion you feel. I am just requesting everyone do their research. If, in fact, they feel the same way after actually reading and watching and taking the time to figure out the truth, then they can actually give an intelligent answer.
      This reporter attempted to give all sides, he showed up to a hearing ran by a non-bias panel of men not from this area. The men, along with the reporter, listened to testimony, heard evidence, and did their research. They don’t have to say, “I have good information” for an answer of why they believe what they believe. Thank you for the kind words in regards to my son.

  4. Again, sorry for whatever your son went through. At the end of the day, we will just have to agree to disagree. Sure don’t want to stir up feelings that will cause hurt for you nor your son. It will all work out in the end and whether your not getting the real truth or I’m not getting the real truth, it always comes out. Best of luck to you and your son.

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