LSPC Executive Director Hannaman: “Contrary to how I have been portrayed, I have no horse in this race or any nomination.”

Louisiana State Police Commission (LSPC) Executive Director Jason Hannaman.

With the possible exceptions of our August 10, 2018 appeal hearing for LSP Trooper Joseph Jones and our September 10, 2020 breaking of the Ronald Greene matter, our series of features entailing Gov. Landry’s filling the vacancy for the First Congressional District of the LSPC has elicited the strongest emotions of any matter upon which we’ve ever reported.

We’ve already referenced the revelations made by Dr. Walter Kimbrough entailing University Presidents, “simply being used as cover for these LSPC appointments,” and his emphatic statement that defying any Governor’s choice in making the selection is, “political suicide.”

Well, our feature wherein former LSPC Commissioner Lloyd Grafton referenced Jared Caruso-Riecke as a “disgrace,” and in which Belinda Parker-Brown, who supplied a photo of Riecke and his wife making obscene gestures at a 2024 Mardi Gras Ball, and who stated that Riecke, who had served on the LSPC since mid-2016 (to include a reappointment in December of 2018), “does not reflect the values of Dillard University” generated strong emotions as well.

In the feature, we quoted an LSP retired Lieutenant regarding his contention that LSPC Executive Director Jason Hannaman engaged in “lobbying” for Riecke to be reappointed.  From the feature entailing the retired Lieutenant’s quote:

He had some strong sentiments about LSPC’s Executive Director, Jason Hannaman, regarding the section of Hannaman’s December 5, 2024 letter to Guillory which he characterized as, “nothing short of direct lobbying for Guillory to place Riecke’s name on the list and for Riecke to be reappointed.”

From the wording of Hannaman’s letter, which was placed on prominent display in our last feature, with the following segment deemed particularly objectionable by the retired Lieutenant:

he is interested in continuing his service and bringing his unique business insight to the Commission; and, he is hopeful to be nominated once again so that he may be considered for a new term on the Commission.

The retired Lieutenant took it a step further by indicating that Riecke’s name should not have been even mentioned in the letter but, instead, the responsibility should be upon Riecke to reach out to Guillory and make any desire he may have to be reappointed made known to her.  His logic is that, by having such wording on the letter to Guillory, it defeats the whole purpose of having the independence of the university Presidents make the selections, and we do find it hard to argue against the point he makes.

Well, as we said, emotions have run high for this series.

As we’ve indicated, Dr. Kimbro wasn’t happy with Sound Off Louisiana’s feature wherein Kimbro indicated that even tasking University Presidents with involvement in the process constitutes an, “exercise in futility,” and poses an “undue burden” upon them.

Similarly, LSPC Executive Director, Jason Hannaman, took exception to both the retired LSP Lieutenant’s assessment above together with us giving that assessment more prominence in our most recent feature.

Accordingly, on Friday, January 3, 2025, at 10:32 a.m., Hannaman fired off this email to us, which included a number of past letters sent to University Presidents.

We are going to afford Hannaman the same courtesy that we afforded to Dr. Kimbro who, incidentally, sent an email expressing gratitude to us after we praised him for exposing the “raw naked truth about the sham nature of these appointments.”

Accordingly, we are about to present a video we’ve produced along with the embedding of every single word Hannaman had to say on the matter.

However, we want to stress one thing before presenting the wording of Hannaman’s email (and it’s stated early on in the video).

We had no knowledge of any death in Hannaman’s wife’s family at the time we corresponded with him.  We want that emphasized lest anyone obtain the false impressing that Burns be characterized as, “one of the most cold-hearted people around.”  With that disclaimer out of the way, here’s the video:

 January 5, 2025:  Burns outlines Hannaman’s email and provides his occasional commentary.  [Note:  There is occasional blurring of the video, but it does not last long.]

Now here is the entirety of Hannaman’s email but, as indicated above, the email Hannaman sent which is linked above contains several past letters sent to University Presidents, including Riecke’s 2018 letter for reappointment.:

From: Jason Hannaman <[email protected]>
Sent: Friday, January 3, 2025 10:32 AM
To: Robert Burns <[email protected]>
Subject: Good morning.

Good morning, Mr. Burns,

I am reading through the final draft of the eulogy I have prepared for today’s services; however, I would be remiss if I didn’t pause to provide a brief clarification since I am so prominently featured in your most recent post.

In my nomination letters to college and university presidents for an expiring term, I always indicate whether or not the current member is interested in being nominated once again. The letter to each president attempts to succinctly (re)introduce them to the process, answer the reasonable question of who is serving in that capacity now, highlight the requirement that three nominees be submitted to the governor for consideration, and provide a deadline that ensures timely receipt within the parameters outlined in the Louisiana Constitution.

Early in my role as Executive Director, I recall conversations with Dan Sullivan of the Louisiana Civil Service League regarding obtaining nominations. He noted that some college and university presidents simply did not want to be bothered with nominations to the State Civil Service Commission or State Police Commission, but that it was part of their job as outlined in the Louisiana Constitution. He also noted that looking at an alumni database and filtering by zip code was a simple start in finding a qualified nominee to represent the college or university.

Contrary to how I have been portrayed in your article, I have no horse in this race or any nomination. I have only ever attempted to ensure that the nomination process for vacancies and expiring terms, as well as the employee election process, is followed to the letter of the law in each and every instance – which, as you have reported, was not always the case.



Jason Hannaman, PHR, SHRM-CP

Executive Director

Louisiana State Police Commission

Phone: 225-925-7057

Fax: 225-925-7058

Email: [email protected]

5825 Florida Blvd., Suite 1180

Baton Rouge, LA 70806


Entailing that segment of the video above referencing Riecke and whether Hannaman should have seen fit to include other revelations about Riecke vs. keeping a University President in the dark regarding same:

==>  Riecke signed a guilty plea (on behalf of his company) regarding dumping raw sewage in various waterways in St. Tammany Parish, which constitutes a violation of the Federal Clean Water Act,

==> Former St Tammany Parish President Kevin Davis clearly outlined all of the problems he had to deal with entailing Riecke’s so-called “unique business insight,”

==>  Anyone is welcome to verify same by viewing the documents and by simply playing the recording associated with Counter-Clock podcast, Season 5, Episode 9.

So, in the end, it’s up to our site visitors to decide whether Hannaman’s characterizations of Riecke constitute “lobbying” or not.

We’ve provided the sentiments of a retired LSP Trooper who is very emphatic in his belief that those characterizations do in fact constitute “lobbying,” and we’ve presented Hannaman’s contention, in full, that his characterizations of Riecke do not constitute “lobbying.”

Our site visitors are the final judges, and we leave that assessment up to them!


One thought on “LSPC Executive Director Hannaman: “Contrary to how I have been portrayed, I have no horse in this race or any nomination.””

  1. Mr. Burns, you mentioned Kevin Davis in this article and I must say I’ve had personal dealings with him in the past and he has more integrity than anyone I’ve ever met in state government!!!
    He was the Director of GOHSEP at the time when Sen. Mills scheduled meetings with him to discuss documents that were produced with his signature and used as evidence in a Louisiana State Police report.
    During these meetings it was discovered that Ben Plaia drafted the documents and had Kevin Davis’s signature on the documents. During these meetings, it was determined that the documents were misleading, so Kevin Davis agreed to schedule a meeting with the District Attorney in Calcasieu Parish were State Police was present to clear up any misunderstandings about what the additional money was for in a PW version/change order for additional contract work, interesting to this day State Police has refused to supplement the report. Kevin Davis is the type of man that would be perfect for Governor Jeff Landry to appoint to a position if he wanted to clean up a mess!!! I would highly recommend to the Governor if there ends up being a special committee for this terrorist attack to consider appointing Kevin Davis to the committee!!!

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