Louisina State Police Commission Member Jared Caruso-Riecke
Subscribers may recall our coverage of the Louisiana State Police Commission (LSPC) meeting of January 10, 2019 during which retired trooper Leon “Bucky” Millet called for the “immediate resignations” of three LSPC Members over what he alleged were improper and illegal campaign contributions.
At the LSPC meeting of Thursday, February 14, 2019, Member Jared Caruso-Riecke, one of the three whom Millet filed complaints against, dressed Millet down regarding his presentation at the previous meeting. Here’s a video of what Caruso-Riecke had to say to Millet:
Caruso-Riecke dresses down Millet.
Millet was provided with an opportunity to respond to Caruso-Riecke. Here’s what Millet had to say:
Millet responds to Caruso-Riecke.
Executive Director Jason Hannaman addressed the broader issue of the status of the investigations of all three members’ complaints:
Hannaman addresses status of investigations. As Member Riecke references in the video above, we have already provided his official response in full. Responses from the other two members were provided at the meeting: Simien’s response and Pierite’s response.
Subscribers may also recall that then-trooper member Jeffrey Foss issued a scathing rebuke of the Louisiana State Trooper’s Association (LSTA) after it openly questioned his vote (which turned out to be the deciding vote) regarding the appeal of Trooper Joseph Jones. A variety of factors Foss took under consideration led to his retirement from LSP effective January 31, 2019. Accordingly, Hannaman had to address obtaining a replacement for his position. Here’s what Hannaman had to say on that:
Hannaman discusses replacing LSPC Trooper representative Foss.
In addition to Millet’s complaints against the three LSPC members, he also filed one against the LSTA. At the January 10, 2019 meeting, the LSPC deferred that discussion to February 14, 2019. Here’s a video of that matter:
LSPC discusses Millet’s complaint against the LSTA. The LSTA also provided an official response to Millet’s allegation.
The meeting’s time was substantially dominated by consideration of proposed Circular 196. Here’s video of that discussion:
LSPC discusses proposed Circular 196.
As always, historical videos of LSPC meetings are available at this website, which is also profiled as a feature sister website assessable from any post we make on Sound Off Louisiana.
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