Louisiana State Representative-Elect of House District 81 (and long-time former Ascension Parish Sheriff) Jeff Wiley.
In today’s Sound Off Louisiana feature, C. J. Matthews, who unsuccessfully ran for Ascension Parish Sheriff and was defeated by incumbent Sheriff Bobby Webre by an 87-13 margin, describes the angst and turmoil which he indicates has transpired at the Sheriff’s Office in the immediate aftermath of Webre’s victory.
Matthews also responds to Representative-Elect (and former long-time Ascension Parish Sheriff) Jeff Wiley’s claims that Matthews acted in “haste to play ‘gotcha'” regarding Matthews claim on October 12, 2023 that Wiley engaged in an illegal campaign act when he visited a nursing home within seven (7) days of the October 14, 2023 election.
Let’s take a look at all that Matthews had to say regarding the matters presented above:
10/23/23: Matthews describes the angst and turmoil he asserts exist in Ascension Parish Sheriff Bobby Webre’s office in the immediate aftermath of Webre’s successful re-election of October 14, 2023 and follows that up with countering Wiley’s recent claim that he, “acted in haste to play ‘gotcha'” on Wiley’s campaign nursing home visit days before the October 14, 2023 election.
We were also provided with a copy of another public records request response from Webre. That request entailed obtaining, “all documentation concerning the telephone records of Sheriff Robert “Bobby” Webre from October 2, 2021 – October 31, 2021.”
The response letter, which was dated October 20, 2023 and was signed by Deputy Kyle Gautreau, Paralegal/Custodian of Records, Legal Affairs Section, stated: “This office has no records responsive to your request.”
The request was made by Kelsey Delatte, who claims that she was raped by outgoing Parish Councilman Dempsey Lambert’s son on October 2, 2021. Lambert was defeated in his re-election bid by challenger Michael Todd Varnado.
The request for the records was made by Delatte about four (4) months ago; however, it wasn’t until October 20, 2023 that Webre’s office got around to informing her that it has no records responsive to her request.
In the above video, Sound Off Louisiana founder Robert Burns indicated that he’d provide the link for a number of lawsuits he filed against the Louisiana Auctioneer’s Licensing Board, the majority of which entailed either public records or alleged open meetings violations. Here is that link.
Now let’s provide the text messages Matthews references in the video above that he received from Wiley. Here they are:
Now, it’s not our norm, but since the above video is just shy of 40 minutes long, we’re going to point out a few key spots on the video entailing points regarding State Representative-Elect Jeff Wiley’s nursing home visit:
19:13 Transition to Wiley discussion (away from Webre turmoil Matthews discussed).
20:10 Burns states the unfortunate aspect of Wiley stating to him that he’d allow no videotaping of a forum conducted just before the election because Burns indicated that Wiley’s responses to questions would indicate that Wiley is likely to vote as a State Representative in a manner consistent with the manner in which Burns would desire him to vote.
20:30 Burns emphasizes that, similarly to Wiley, Gubernatorial candidate David Vitter certainly had a mindset that prompted Burns to, early on his Sound Off Louisiana‘s formation, publish a feature in which Burns did a “7-minute sermonette” on why Vitter was the clear choice for Governor.
21:00 Burns states the unfortunate reality that, Vitter’s philosophy about the way Louisiana should be governed (particularly regarding tort reform) matching Burns’ philosophy notwithstanding, Vitter had the obvious problem that he consorted with prostitutes, and that completely destroyed his bid to become Governor of Louisiana in 2015.
21:12 Burns states, “Now I’m certainly not prepared to suggest in any manner that Jeff Wiley has ever consorted with prostitutes.”
22:05 Burns again reiterates that he’s not prepared to suggest in any manner that Jeff Wiley has ever consorted with prostitutes.
22:30 Burns transitions to Matthews to counter Wiley’s texts messages provided above regarding the nursing home visit by Jeff Wiley days prior to the election on October 14, 2023.
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