32-Year U. S. Navy Veteran Bob Bell (R-Baton Rouge), who is challenging House dual term-limited candidates Steve Carter (R-Baton Rouge) and Franklin Foil (R-Baton Rouge) for the open Senate District 16 seat presently occupied by Sen. Dan Claitor, who is also term-limited.
In our continuing efforts to assist candidates for the 2019 Louisiana Legislative races who are firmly committed to defeating any candidates seeking office who have supported Gov. Edwards’ tax increase measures, Sound Off Louisiana today (Thursday, January 31, 2019) issued its second official endorsement for the upcoming campaigns: 32-Year Navy Veteran Bob Bell.
Bell, who is seeking to win the Louisiana Senate District 16 election, is opposed by two House term-limited opponents: Rep. Steve Carter of House District 68 and Rep. Franklin Foil of House District 66. We welcome our subscribers to visit NoPennyRenewal’s endorsement page for Mr. Bell, which is replicated below:
Official Endorsement:
Senate District # 16: 32-Year retired Navy veteran Bob Bell
Note: Bell has executed a Contract with Louisiana to demonstrate his resolve to NOT raise taxes!
In his efforts to defeat dual House term-limited incumbents Steve Carter (R-Baton Rouge) and Franklin Foil (R-Baton Rouge):
Rep. Steve Carter, R-Baton Rouge (Term-limited) District 68
Phone: (225)362-5305 [email protected]
CARTER’S votes on JBE’s sales-tax increase measures: He voted YES on 2/28/18, YES on 3/4/18, YES on 5/25/18, YES on 5/28/18, and YES on 6/22/18.
As the above video references, Sound Off Louisiana founder Robert Burns has sent 4-5 letters to Carter over his 12-year tenure as Burns’ House Representative. One of those correspondences outlined some $40 million of itemized pork-barrel spending which Burns felt should be eliminated before taxes are raised. As Burns indicated in the video, Carter did not make any response whatsoever to Burns’ letter. CLICK HERE to see Burns providing Carter with an opportunity to defend his attacks on Americans for Prosperity (which is depicted in the video above) and Carter’s response to same.
Rep. Franklin Foil, R-Baton Rouge (Term-limited) District 70
Phone: (225)342-6777 [email protected]
FOIL’S Votes on JBE’s sales tax measures: He voted YES on 2/28/18, YES on 3/4/18, YES on 5/25/18, YES on 5/28/18, and YES on 6/22/18.
Neither Robert Burns, Sound Off Louisiana nor any affiliate of same received one red cent in compensation for any endorsements made; furthermore, no expense associated with any travel to videotape a candidate for an interview is being paid by the candidate.
Our endorsements are made SOLELY and EXCLUSIVELY based off our commitment to ensuring the Louisiana Legislature’s composition is NOT conducive to ANY more tax increases after the 2019 election cycle has concluded.
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