Phillip Fetterman calls BREC Superintendent Corey Wilson on the carpet for alleged attempt to “run out the clock” and avoid his question on efficiency, which he nevertheless posed after the meeting.

Baton Rouge Press Club (BRPC) member Phillip Fetterman (right closest to camera) prepares to ask BREC Superintendent Corey Wilson several questions after the BRPC meeting of April 22, 2024 after Fetterman first chided Wilson for “running out the clock” on questions and not calling upon him during his presentation.

On April 22, 2024, BREC Superintendent Corey Wilson appeared before the BRPC.

Attendance was sparse to say the least.  In fact, let’s spend a mere 28 seconds to illustrate just how sparse attendance was:

 April 22, 2022:  Opening moments of BRPC meeting at which BREC Superintendent Corey Wilson’s spoke.

Normally, BRPC guests are guided to keep their presentations to around 20 minutes and leave the remaining 20-25 minutes for questions from the media and/or BRPC members.

Well, as we will present shortly, Wilson admitted, perhaps jokingly, perhaps not, that his goal was to leave only one minute for questions.  In other words, he wanted to essentially run out the clock.

As it turned out, he left a mere nine (9) minutes for questions, and let’s take a look at one of the BRPC members, Remi Delouche, being called upon and posing the most absolute-ultimate softball question imaginable:

 Delouche poses the ultimate softball question of Wilson, who then responds.

In sharp contrast to Delouche, Phillip Fetterman sought to ask a much more “hardball” question of Wilson.  In fact, Fetterman called Wilson on the carpet for intentionally “running out the clock” and avoiding him being able to pose his question during Wilson’s presentation.

After the meeting, we filmed Fetterman first calling Wilson on the carpet for not calling upon him and pointing out how inexcusable that was given such a sparse crowd.

As if Delouche hadn’t already been an unpaid cheerleader for Wilson, he (Delouche) impolitely answered one of Fetterman’s question on behalf of Wilson, thus making it easy for Wilson to merely concur as he began his answer.  Here’s that video:

 Fetterman calls Wilson on the carpet for “running out the clock,” after which he poses a couple of questions, one of which was impolitely answered by Delouche on Wilson’s behalf, thus necessitating a mere concurrence on Wilson’s part as he began to provide his answer.

We normally upload the entirety of a speaker’s presentation when we publish a feature on it, but this time we’re just going to provide this link for LPB’s video of the entire presentation.   We note it had 88 hits at the time of our publication.

We commend Fetterman for calling Wilson out entailing not conforming with the guidance that every speaker is given at BRPC regarding permitting a reasonable period for Q & A.  Yes, it is guidance, but blatantly indicating a desire to “leave one minute” on the clock and, in reality, leaving less than half the timeframe speakers are asked to provide doesn’t fit our definition of conformity, nor do we find Wilson’s commentary about leaving “one minute” for Q & A humorous.

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