U. S. Senator (and Gubenetorial Candidate) David Vitter
Sen. David Vitter (R-La), candidate for Louisiana Governor, routinely conducts town hall meetings to obtain feedback from his constituents across the state of Louisiana. Over the course of his tenure as a U. S. Senator, he has conducted over 380 such live town hall meetings across all 64 Louisiana parishes. Additionally, Sen. Vitter has conducted over 200 telephone town hall meetings. Sound Off Louisiana attended Sen. Vitter’s last two meetings: Livingston on May 4, 2015 during which he sounded off regarding Louisiana’s excessive number of boards and commissions, and East Baton Rouge on June 1, 2015 during which he sounded off on the inefficient use of taxpayer dollars funneled into the Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development (DOTD) trust fund. Video highlights follow:
Sen. Vitter addresses Louisiana’s excess number of boards
and commissions and specifically addresses one of his
constituent’s concerns regarding the Louisiana State
Board of Cosmetology. Vitter agrees to confer with
former U. S. Congressman Joseph Cao regarding
the situation with the Cosmetology Board. To see
a video of Congressman Cao’s frustration
with the board and a detailed article on the
background of Cao’s frustration, CLICK HERE.
Sen. Vitter outlines the inefficient utilization of taxpayer
funds being deposited into the Louisiana State
Highway Trust Fund administered by the Louisiana
Department of Transportation and Development.
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I strongly support Senator Vitter for Governor of Louisiana! Senator Vitter seems like he can control the overregulation of these commissions and state boards.