On Tuesday, May 16, 2017, Louisiana Rep. Julie Stokes said, “I conducted a survey” in which her findings were that “54% of voters statewide support an increase in the gas tax.” Her poll results seemed to have striking resemblance to those of Dr. Michael Henderson, Director of LSU’s Public Policy Research Lab:
Stokes announces her poll results and Henderson admits poll findings are directly impacted by “how you ask the question.” CLICK HERE for full details of Henderson’s findings on Louisiana voters tax sentiments.
Both Stokes’ and Henderson’s findings are striking given that, in April of 2017, a Truth in Politics survey found only 22% support for increasing the gas tax. Then last week, Bernie Pinsonat of Southern Media Opinion and Research conducted a poll showing only 29% support for increasing the gas tax. Stokes is now on record as supporting the gas tax increase, so we’ll see how she fares in her own statewide poll as she seeks to be Louisiana’s next Treasurer.
Hours after the vote, Sound Off Louisiana founder Robert Burns drove to a Race Trac station near his home and asked a motorist who had just filled up if he’d mind if Burns took a photo of the pump charge (photo above). The motorist inquired why, to which Burns responded, “because if a gas tax which cleared committee today becomes law, you will pay $3.70 more.” The motorist then said to feel free to take the picture and added, “and the tax damn well better not pass!”
Regarding Henderson, Sound Off Louisiana founder Robert Burns asked him if he’d surveyed Louisiana citizens’ feelings toward taxes relative to the alternative of moving to Texas, which Henderson admitted has a lower tax burden:
Henderson takes an astounding 5+ minutes to answer a question by Burns, but the one word answer is “no.”
To see Henderson’s presentation in its entirety, CLICK HERE. To see a past appearance by Stokes at the Baton Rouge Press Club during which she advocated removing the deductibility of one’s Federal income taxes on one’s Louisiana tax return (a measure for which she sponsored a bill to accomplish), CLICK HERE.
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