Former ATC Commissioner Painter lambasts Stephen Street’s office with too much material for us to fit into one headline!

Former Alcohol and Tobacco Control (ATC) Commissioner Murphy Painter.

Folks, it’s rare for us to struggle to create a headline adequately covering the content of a video we’ve produced and published, but such is the case on our third installment of our Murphy Painter interviews.  All we’re going to say is that, if anyone happens to be a fan of Louisiana Inspector General Stephen Street, plug your ears when listening to this third interview in our Painter series:

Former ATC Commissioner Murphy Painter gives his thoughts and insights into the operations of Louisiana Inspector General Stephen Street’s Office of Inspector General.

Documents referenced by Painter in the video above:

1.  Public records response from Street regarding number of searches on LSP’s system by individual OIG agents.

2.  Total searches conducted by everyone for years 2006 – 2010.

3.  OIG’s application for a search warrant entailing Painter executed by investigator Shane Evans dated August 16, 2010, three days after Painter was terminated.

4.  OIG’s executed search warrant.

As Mr. Painter states at the conclusion of the above interview, episode four of our series will focus on Painter’s criminal trial in Federal Court in Baton Rouge.  We are very excited and anxious for that interview to proceed because, as Sound Off Louisiana founder Robert Burns has stated on many occasions, he attended that entire trial.  Stay tuned, folks!  We believe you’ll find that next feature very revealing!

CLICK HERE for segment one of our series of interviews with former Commissioner Painter.

CLICK HERE for segment two of our series of interviews with former Commissioner Painter.

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Former ATC Commissioner Painter describes bizarre scenes to include “two men and one woman in a mechanical closet for an hour and a half on state time,” a mysterious damning email on him sent to Gov. Jindal and legislators, and being “shaken down” in days leading up to his termination.

Former Alcohol and Tobacco Control Commission (ATC) Commissioner Murphy Painter, whom former Gov. Bobby Jindal terminated on Friday, August 13, 2010.

On February 6, 2022, we presented installment one of our fascinating series of interviews with former Alcohol and Tobacco Control (ATC) Commissioner Murphy Painter.  We believe the headline above says all we need to say for a lead-in for installment two of that series, so here it is:

Installment two of Sound Off Louisiana’s series of interviews with former ATC Commissioner Murphy Painter.

In you found this installment as fascinating as we did, just wait for installment three, in which Painter begins to unload on Louisiana Inspector General Stephen Street and his crew.  We’ll warn everyone to get ready to fasten their seatbelts for that ride, folks!

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Turns out Reeves & Noel weren’t LSP’s only upper-brass to have phones sanitized as Chris Nakamoto reveals that Chief of Staff Doug Cain’s phone was also sanitized in February of 2020.

LSP Lt. Col. and Chief of Staff Doug Cain.

In yet another bombshell revelation by WBRZ (Channel 2 in Baton Rouge)’s Investigative Reporter Chris Nakamoto, we learn that Louisiana State Police (LSP)  Chief of Staff Doug Cain’s phone was sanitized in February of 2020.  Further, according to State Rep. Edmond Jordan (D-Baton Rouge), he understands that the order for the sanitization came from then-LSP Col. Kevin Reeves and then-LSP Legal Counsel Faye Morrison.  Let’s take a look:

2/11/22 WBRZ (Channel 2 in Baton Rouge)’s Investigative Report on Cain phone sanitization.

We previously reported that Morrison informed us on January 5, 2021 that former LTC Mike Noel’s phone was sanitized as he departed to assume his role as Gov. Edwards’ hand-picked man at the Louisiana State Gaming Control Board.

In fact, earlier this week, we previously reported that former LSP Lt. Leon “Bucky” Millet says the Noel timeline is the “smoking gun” establishing complicity of Gov. Edwards in LSP’s Greene cover-up.

We also previously reported in June of 2021 that sources inside LSP told us that Reeves’ phone had been sanitized well before he departed LSP.  According to Nakamoto’s feature, it appears the optimal time for any such sanitizing of Reeves’ phone would match Cain’s (February of 2020).

As our good friend Rev. Freddie Lee Phillips is fond of saying, “It ain’t looking good for the home team!”

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